
Confusion about currying and point free style in Haskell

I was trying to implement the function every :: (a -> IO Bool) -> [a] -> IO Bool which was the topic for this question. I tried to do this without explicit recursion. I came up with the following code every f xs = liftM (all id) $ sequence $ map f xs My function didn't work since it wasn't lazy (which was required in the question),...

Point-free in Haskell

I have this code that I want to make point-free; (\k t -> chr $ a + flip mod 26 (ord k + ord t -2*a)) How do I do that? Also are there some general rules for point free style other than "think about this amd come up with something"? ...

Why does the pointfree version of this function look like this?

I've been playing around with Haskell a fair bit, including practising writing functions in point-free form. Here is an example function: dotProduct :: (Num a) => [a] -> [a] -> a dotProduct xs ys = sum (zipWith (*) xs ys) I would like to write this function in point-free form. Here is an example I found elsewhere: dotProduct = (sum ....

Fiddling with point-free code?

I have been learning the Factor and J languages to experiment with point-free programming. The basic mechanics of the languages seem clear, but getting a feeling for how to approach algorithm design is a challenge. A particular source of confusion for me is how one should structure code so that it is easy to experiment with different pa...