
Closing a session with PollingDuplexHttpBinding

I'm using the WCF PollingDuplexHttpBinding channel to push notifications to Silverlight clients. For the most part it works well but I'm fighting it to get a few basis session management functions to work properly. The biggest problem I've got is trying to let the server know the client has finished with a session and no longer requires...

Receiving NotFound CommunicationException in Sliverlight 3 WCF client

I'm getting a very unhelpful CommunicationException when attempting to call a WCF service from Silverlight 3. The message of the exception is "The remote server returned an error: NotFound." Each inner exception parrots that same message. Is there a problem with my setup that could be causing this issue? Here's my setup. The WCF ser...

WCF (Silverlight) Duplex - Not hitting server

Hi Folks, I have created a web application with a Silverlight project embedded in it, using VS 2008 SP 1, and the Silverlight 3 tools, on Vista and Windows 7. The duplex service code: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "cotoco", CallbackContract = typeof(IDuplexClient))] [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single)...

WCF, Silverlight: Is Request/Reply possible over PollingDuplexHttpBinding?

Hello. We have been using PollingDuplexHttpBinding for some time to do Pub/Sub messaging. We have methods that do not return results that allow clients to subscribe to some data feed then then the service pushes data back via CallBack contracts. Just now we have been adding some Request/Reply methods to our OperationContract. As the cl...

WCF DuplexHTTP Maximum Connections

We are using WCF Custom Channel: DuplexHttp (from MSDN - http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/duplexhttp) to have a thick .NET client connect to our WCF service with callbacks. We have noticed that although the throughput is good, the maximum number of clients connected to the server seems to top out at about 60-70, which isn't good at all. T...

How to handle client disconnect with PollingDuplexHttpBinding

I am implementing a WCF service, with a Silverlight 3 client, which uses a PollingDuplexHttpBinding for communications. What are the alternatives for handling when a client closes their browser without disconnecting from the server first? I know that it will eventually throw a TimeoutException, which I can catch, but is there a better ...

serverPollTimeout configuration for HttpPollingDuplex

Hi Guys, I am writing card game using Silverlight and HttpPollingDuplex. I have 4 seperate http duplex services, which can be called from my game (silverlight client) 1. ChatService 2. AuthService 3. LobbyService 4. GameService After I host the game under IIS 7.5 I note with Fiddler that Silverlight client do polling requests sequ...

Consume a wcf duplex service in console application

I have a wcf duplex service with work fine in silverlight. but the same service I want to consume in windows console application. My code as follow: var context = new InstanceContext(this); var address = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:31881/PubSubService.svc"); var binding = new CustomBinding( new Pollin...