
Polyglot Programming is Coming? How?

I'd love to have the freedom to use various languages for the problems they work best for but I'm not sure how this can be accomplished today. I have had a fair amount of success using web services as the language abstraction layer and that works great... but it's slower than molasses even using localhost. Steve Yegge has talked about ...

Would it be feasible to write parts of an application in JRuby?

I'm thinking of refactoring a somewhat large Java based application. There are some parts of it that should be able to run at a pretty decent speed, so I thought about keeping those in pure Java ... and the rest in JRuby. Do you think it would be worth doing this "refactoring"? ...

Is Polyglot programming important?

Trying to learn more about Polyglot programming. What is it exactly and is it important? I found this article by Ted Neward (Thoughtworks) interesting. Article suggests that polyglot programming was first mentioned by Neil Ford. ...

In what areas might the use of F# be more appropriate than C#?

Over the last few years F# has evolved into one of Microsoft's fully supported languages employing many ideas incubated in OCaml, ML and Haskell. Over the last several years C# has extended it's general purpose features by introducing more and more functional language features: LINQ (list comprehension), Lambdas, Closures, Anonymous Del...

What is the more effective way of becoming a Programming Languages Polyglot for a busy developer?

I've been aware for a while, specially after reading the "Pragmatic Programmer", of the importance for both enhancing you skill set and programming skills depth of mastering as many programming languages as you can. What do you thing are the best approaches for achieving that goal in a rational and balanced way, especially if you're a ve...