
Maven 2 <resources> inheritance (parent -> child project)

(also posted on maven-users) Wondering if anyone can shed some light on inheritance of the elements in pom.xml as relates to resource processing and the WAR plugin. The documentation for the pom [1] has resources listed under "Elements in the POM that are merged". Some experimentation on my local poms against maven 2.2.1 don't appear ...

maven2 - how to list all resources repository url from pom file

I'm looking for something like this: List<URL> urls = ListURLFromPOM.("c:\pom.xml"); .. http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/ibatis/ibatis-core/3.0/ibatis-core-3.0.jar http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/camel/camel-activemq/1.1.0/camel-activemq-1.1.0.jar ... ...

Maven - POM: How to make the jetty port changeable so that it can be retrieved later?

Hi. I'm working on an integration test suite and I've got a question for you. My parent pom defines the use of the jetty plugin with the goal: run-war. I need to make the port that jetty listens on changeable via the command-line. This can be achieved by passing -Djetty.port=8099 for example. In the child project, I need to use this p...

How to use artifact:writepom and artifact:pom?

I've been trying to use writepom using this http://maven.apache.org/ant-tasks/examples/write-pom.html as a reference and have been having problems. I'm essentially just trying to test whether it will actually work so the POM file is quite bare. See below. <project name="CreatePOMStructure" basedir="./test" xmlns:artifact="antlib:org.ap...

How to create a subdirectory within target with Maven2

Hi. I need to create a subdirectory within the target directory when compiling with maven2. The reason is that I'm using a plugin which grabs responses to SOAP-requests and store them in /target/xml in the integration-test phase. The problem is that if I specify the plugin's savepath to (in example): ${basedir}/target/xml the plugin t...

How can I manipulate the parent attribute using artifact:pom?

I've been experimenting with generating pom.xml files using ant and maven-ant-tasks. So far everything has been working splendidly, but I have a problem with the parent attribute. artifact:pom doesn't support the nested "parent" element. This was my attempt at using the parent attribute: <artifact:pom id="maven-pom-test-s...

Stopping jetty when changing Maven module?

Hi. I've created a project that runs integration-tests on 3 web services. There's a project for each integration-test per web-service. I want all 3 integration-test projects to be run when executing the parent pom (outside of the 3 integration projects). I've got the modules up and running but since each module deploys a WAR to its jet...

Resolving a Maven dependency differently if the JVM in use is x86 or x64?

Hi, I have a Maven repository set up to host some dlls, but I need my Maven projects to download different dlls depending on whether the JVM in use is x86 or x64. So for example, on a computer running an x86 version of the JVM I need ABC.dll to be downloaded from the repository as a dependency, but on another computer running an x64 ve...

Maven repository for BIRT 2.6.0

Is there a Maven repository for BIRT 2.6.0 that I could point to? ...

Additional context for tomcat:run goal

How do I add an additional directory based context to a tomcat:run configuration? I have the following jetty plugin configuration: <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.mortbay.jetty</groupId> <artifactId>maven-jetty-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <contextHandlers> <contextHandler implem...

Maven: property substitution not done for /project/version tag of pom?

http://maven.apache.org/pom.html#Properties says property "values are accessible anywhere within a POM". Should this read "are accessible in most places within a POM"? I can specify the version of a dependency no problem like so: <dependency> <groupId>junit</groupId> <artifactId>junit</artifactId> <version>${junit.version}...

invoke maven pluginManagment objects by reference

I have not found a way to do this, but it seems like a feature that should exist. Is it possible to invoke a maven-2 plugin by inherited reference? For example I would like to be able to do something like the following (yes I know you can't do this): <pluginManagment> <plugin id="exec-inno-setup"> <artifactId>maven-exec-plugin... <e...

Maven Pom files organisation

I have two independent gwt based projects using pom aggregation , so four projects(or modules) in total. Tree looks like this . Reactor1(just pom.xml) |-- war1 (gwt related stuff) `-- jar1 (Spring , hibernate etc) and an other project but structure is exactly the same Reactor2(just pom.xml) |-- war2 (gwt related stuff) `-- ...

Maven checksum pom setting?

Google has failed me and I can't find an answer even here on SO - relegating me to actually posting my first question here. I'm trying to get the command "mvn install" to automatically generate the checksums for the artifacts and place the checksums in the repository right along with the artifacts. Everything I've read seems to indicat...

Solution for a jar file not findable in the `WEB-INF/lib` folder nor `src/main/resources` folder?

I have a Java application running on Jetty/App Engine/Spring. After removing some jar files from the pom and putting them in the WEB-INF/lib folder, they are no longer findable - I get numerous "Cannot find symbol" build errors. I also tried putting the jars in the src/main/resources folder - but the same outcome. How can I make thes...

Can we specify a specific user settings.xml to use via pom.xml ?

Hi, I would like to know if someone found a trick to specify a settings.xml file in a (parent) pom.xml. The goal is to avoid every developer to have their own -possibly "customize"- version of those settings. Instead it would be set on a central location on the corporate network. I'm aware of the "-s" that works on the command-line, b...