
Connecting to exchange server

Hello I am trying to connect to my POP3 mail account on exchange server using a program written in PHP everytime i try to fsockopen and connect to mail box on port 110 i get connection time out error. The username and pass of the account is correct. Do i have to enable some connector on my exchange box to connect to third party applic...

parsing email text reply/forward

Hi, I am creating a web based email client using c# asp.net. What is confusing is that various email clients seem to add the original text in alot of different ways when replying by email. What I was wondering is that, if there is some sort of standardized way, to disambiguate this process? Thank you -Theo ...

POP3 netcat protocol error

I tried to connect to my POP3 school server as part of my assignment. Now, I can connect to the server but the real problem is when I try to log in using the "USER" command. c:/>nc server.pop3.com 110 +OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 server version 6.5.7638.1 (server.pop3.com) ready. USER myuserid -ERR Protocol error Now I'm wo...

pop3 mail box Send/Recieve log

hello every body i want to write a code for some application in order to connect to a pop3 mailbox and log the send and recieve transactions done on the mailbox even by other users, or even read the built in log file if there is?! and Then send some notifications in some way to An admin Account i dont know how to perform the action to wr...

Reading a POP3 server with only TcpClient and StreamWriter/StreamReader[SOLVED]

I'm trying to read mails from my live.com account, via the POP3 protocol. I've found the the server is pop3.live.com and the port if 995. I'm not planning on using a pre-made library, I'm using NetworkStream and StreamReader/StreamWriter for the job. I need to figure this out. So, any of the answers given here: http://stackoverflow.com...

How can I receive mail using .NET?

I need an open source C# program that can receive SMTP messages and save them in a class (and sends mail, but this is optional since I found a lot of those) Does this program use SMTP or POP3 to receive mail? ...

How can I retrieve an e-mail, open a .msg attachment, and parse the attachment, in ASP.NET?

I need to be able to make a program that looks through a mailbox of bounced messages, where the messages come back with the initial message in a .msg attachment, and open the .msg attachment for processing in ASP.NET 2.0. Is there any sort of code that might help in this? I've been looking at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/44383/re...

How to determine the UID of a message in IMAP

I'm working in a mail client project using C#. I'm using both the POP and IMAP protocol to communicate with the server. The problem is than I can not figure out why when I want to get the UID for a message the result from the POP server and the IMAP server are different. POP C: UIDL 1 S: +OK 1 UID2-1269789826 and IMAP C: $ FETCH 1 (...

Send mail from Windows SMTP server to Windows POP3 Service on the same machine

I've setup a Windows SMTP server and a Windows POP3 service on Windows Server 2003. Can I have the SMTP server send directly to the POP3 service without setting up a public IP address and domain? The Windows Server is a VM in it's own Workgroup (no other computers) sitting on top of a corporate network. ...

Zend Framework - POP3 - retrieving message source

Is it possible to retrieve the complete message source (similar tu Unix Mbox format) using Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3 from the Zend Framework? I'm using the following code to retrieve messages: $mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3(array('host' => 'localhost', 'user' => 'test', ...

How to verify mail origin?

I wish to code a little service where I will be able to send an e-mail to a specific address used by my server to send specific commands to my server. I'll check against a list of permitted e-mail addresses to make sure no one unauthorized will send a command to the server, but how do I make sure that, say, an e-mail sent by "mrzombie@t...

read email Using Pop3 client on asp.net web page

Hello I want to read Emails through pop3. On my asp.net web page how to do let me know, which control i should use for showing email Thanks You ...

Access POP3 account from JUnit tests

I'm looking for a way to access a POP3 account while running a JUnit test. Does anyone know how to do that? I probably need some kind of library for POP3 access I guess. ...

pop3 multiline problem

hi everyone, i'm making a client for pop3 and somehow i can't figure out how to handle multiline responses. There is no difference in the response from server whether it is single or multiline, it always ends with CRLF (considering the usual case) so how do I know if I should call recv() once more? ...

Php, socket and connecting to pop3-server

Hi guys, I'm trying to connect to the pop3-server with php. Here is my code: $pop3Server = 'mail.roller.ru'; $pop_conn = fsockopen($pop3Server, 110, $errno, $errstr, 10); print fgets($pop_conn, 1024); Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in /home/...

PHP, login to pop3-server

Hi guys, I have another one problem with pop3. Here is connection to pop3-server: $pop3Server = ''; // mail.roller.ru $pop3User = 'mail-robot%roller.ru'; $pop_conn = fsockopen($pop3Server, 110, $errno, $errstr, 30); echo fgets($pop_conn, 1024); It returns OK. The next step is login: fputs($pop_conn, 'USER '.$pop3User.'...

How are SaaS/Mult-Tenancy apps implementing email notifications (sending and receving)?

Given multi-tenant application, How are vendors implementing email notifications from an email account setup and programming perspective: Sending emails could come from a generic account: eg notifications@VendorName.com or noreply@VendorName.com, this seems reasonable considering reply addresses and lilnks can be contained within the e...

POP3 Transmission Process

Hi All I was wondering if anyone could help me out (not with code, although that would be appreciated), with the logic behind checking and retrieving messages from a POP3 mail server. I.e. Establish connection Validate credentials Enumerate message list Check each message to see if it's "new" Download "new" message(s). Would this be...

buffer size for socket connection in c++

I'm trying to build a basic POP3 mail client in C/++, but I've run into a bit of an issue. Since you have to define the buffer size when building the program, but a message can be arbitrarily large, how do you, say, get the mail server to send it to you in parts? And if this isn't the correct means of solving the problem, what is? And w...

Free/Open Source POP3 libraries

Hi All Just wondering if there are any POP3 libraries for C# that can be used for free in commercial applications (I will give full credit to the POP Library makers, ofcourse)? Thank you ...