
Implementing all portscanning techniques in C# / Creating raw low level packets in C#

I am trying to write a port scanner in C#. I did some research on port scanning methods. If you are interested, these are the links I found useful: http://www.cs.wright.edu/~pmateti/InternetSecurity/Lectures/Probing/index.html ^PPT Presentation^ http://www.auditmypc.com/freescan/readingroom/port_scanning.asp (old) NMAP ...

What is the best way to scan for COM ports in C#?

Does C# provide an effective means of scanning the available COM ports? I would like to have a dropdown list in my application wherein the user can select one of the detected COM ports. Creating and populating the dropdown list is not a problem. I just need to know how to scan for the available COM ports using C#. I am using Microsof...