
.NET implementation of Portable Contacts API

Google just released a java implementation (jpoco). Is there a .NET one? Anyone planning on writing one? ...

OAuth vs. Portable Contacts for importing contacts

We are currently using an outdated screen scraper gem to import contacts from gmail/yahoo/etc. I want to update this to use the new OAuth based APIs so users don't have to enter their credentials on our site. I'm really intrigued by the work Plaxo is doing with Portable Contacts which Google also supports. It feels like that is a good...

Portable Contacts for PHP?

I can see Google is implementing the Portable Contacts API for developers to fetch a user's contacts. That seems like exactly what I want to do and I especially like the fact that the protocol is open and through it I can support more than just Google. What I'd like to know is whether there is a library for PHP that implements this prot...