
How can I post process the files compiled by javac ant task?

I need the list of files that were compiled during this run. I want to feed this list to a subsequent post-processing step. I have found an option to list (see listfiles option) the files compiled during this run, but it seems only good for displaying the list on console. Any idea? Edit: I am talking about incremental compiles, so t...

Post-processing in SQL vs. in code

Hi everbody, I have a general inquiry related to processing rows from a query. In general, I always try to format/process my rows in SQL itself, using numerous CASE WHEN statements to pre-format my db result, limiting rows and filling columns based on other columns. However, you can also opt to just select all your rows and do the post...

Paperclip save images as jpg with white background

Hi, I'd like to know how to convert png and gif files with alpha channel to jpg with white background with paperclip I tried this but, it doesn't work has_attached_file :photo, :whiny => false, :styles => { :medium => ["300x300>", :jpg], :thumb => ["100x100>", :jpg] }, :convert_options => { :all => '-alpha white -background white'}...

boolean variables posted through AJAX being treated as strings in server side

Following is a part of an AJAX functionality to add classes and packs to session cart:- The jquery part function addClassToCart(itemId) { addItemToCart(itemId,true); } function addPackToCart(itemId) { addItemToCart(itemId,false); } function addItemToCart(itemId,isClass) { $.post(url+"/ajax/add_cart", { operation: 'add_c...

How should I filter this data?

I have a several series of data points that need to be graphed. For each graph, some points may need to be thrown out due to error. An example is the following: The circled areas are errors in the data. What I need is an algorithm to filter this data so that it eliminates the error by replacing the bad points with flat lines, like so:...