
Is there a way to cross locations of Sainsburys with BP garages to get places where they are together?

I've seen a photo I'd like to trace the location of. In it is a BP garage and a Sainsburys supermarket. Google Maps holds all the info and I'm sure many others do - what I'd like is to be able to quickly do a join-type operation on the data. It would ahve to be proximity limited but if this was using, say, the town name or the first 4 di...

Anyone got a regex for all known international postcode/zipcodes?

I've been searching for a global postcode based regex but not found one. Anyone know of one that exists? ...

get postcode from latitude,longitude

I have downloaded the UK postcode list from and installed it in a MSSQL 2005 database. The table consists of postcode, latitude and longitude. I need an efficient method to get the nearest postcode to a given lat/long. Calculating the distance between two points and choosing t...

zend_validate_postcode via country?

hi i have a registration form which contains a postalcode and a country drop down given those two values i want to validate the postcode via zend_validate_postcode this validator wants a zend_locale in the constructor now i dont know how to create a zend_locale only ba a given country which means i would have to create from an US user ...

Postcode distance calculation

Hey, I have just been developing a postcode distance calculator for my Dads company, where all our customers are kept on file and every time a new potential customer makes an enquiry the system will check against all other customers' postcodes. The problem is that it doesn't yet do the distance calculation. Typing in a DT1 postcode with...

Matching long string(full postcode) agains short string(start of postcode) in mysql

I have a table that contains a list of the starting letters in a post code e.g. LS for Leeds and SO for Southampton. I want to match these against a user entered full postcode e.g. LS19 1AB. I've looked into using LIKE and some regexp stuff in my query but I'm struggling to find a way to do this the right way round. Any ideas? ...

mySQL select query based on lat / long data from zipcode

Note: Although I use a zipcode database with Dutch zipcodes, this question is country independent. I have a database with every zipcode in the Netherlands + its x and y coordinate (lat/long). I have for example zipcode: $baseZipCode = 1044; with the following coordinates: x coordinate = 4,808855 y coordinate = 52,406332 Now, I want ...