
Postfix notation validation?

What would be a good way to evaluate a string(array, something) that contains a postfix expression(ex: 3 5 +) to check for validity? ...

Why is JavaScript's postfix notation different from C and Perl?

I'm studying for an exam on JavaScript at the moment. I've also got a little knowledge of C and Perl so I'm familiar with prefix and postfix notation in all three languages. I did an online practice exam for it and one mistake I made was in evaluating the following code: var x = 10; x += x--; Now, I thought it would evaluate to 19 be...

Can this Python postfix notation (reverse polish notation) interpreter be made more efficient and accurate?

Here is a Python postfix notation interpreter which utilizes a stack to evaluate the expressions. Is it possible to make this function more efficient and accurate? #!/usr/bin/env python import operator import doctest class Stack: """A stack is a collection, meaning that it is a data structure that contains multiple el...