
Dynamically updating config files in Linux

If I want to have, say, a PHP application update one of my config files in /etc, is there a generally agreed-upon best way to do that? What I specifically want to do is to have Drupal update /etc/postfix/virtual. My app has a certain list of users and I want each one of those users to be under an alias because I want [email protected]...

PHP - IMAP test if an email alias exists

Is there a programmatic way to test the existence of an email alias when logged in as an IMAP client from a remote host rather than sending an email or having to parse the aliases file on the mail server? It is a Postfix mail server. Edit: I found an example of email validation over SMTP and this looks like what I need. However on my...

Character corruption for Chinese (simple and traditional) and Korean texts

Hi, I have a setup, where emails received by mail server(postfix) are taken on and the resulting email's body(html or plain text) and attachments are parsed to separate files and saved, for this i use javax mail api. The problem occurs for email body when it is in Chinese (simple and traditional) (charset GB2312, as per email header) o...

get statistics about postfix

I have postfix on my server. and my server is sending about 5K emails daily i need to get some statistics about these emails in web interface (web tool) for example how many of them went to each domain (500 to @yahoo, 242 to @gmail and so on) and some other statistics. i need something other than postfix log-watch Thanks ...

postfix on mac (snow leopard) / php mail() won't work (Operation timed out...)

Hello everyone! After hours and hours of research on this (it does appear to be quite an issue)... it still won't work. I already tried with changes to,, php.ini, org.postfix.master... For it was suggested to set "myhostname = host.domain.tld" to something one has control over, which I don't. Everything I tri...

Python solution to allow photo uploading via email to my Django website

I am learning Python/Django and my pet project is a photo sharing website. I would like to give users the ability to upload their photos using an email address like Posterous, Tumblr. Research has led me to believe I need to use the following: -- cron job -- python mail parser -- cURL or libcurl -- something that updates my database ...

Setting up Mac localhost mail server on OS X.

I've been trying to get setup my Mac OS X (10.5.8) to send emails from localhost so that I can test my scripts. I normally get success messages, saying emails have been sent but they never reach their destination. They appear to just get stuck in the Postfix mailq: bash-3.2# mailq -Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recip...

Sending emails with postfix via port 587 on gmail

Since my ISP blocks port 25 I'd like to be able to configure postfix to send smtp email over port 587. Every time I try to send an email I see this in the mail.log Oct 17 10:37:49 new-host-2 postfix/smtp[1552]: connect to[]:25: Operation timed out I'm assuming this is due to the fact that this doesn't w...

Postfix bounce e-mail forwarding

We have our e-mail accounts set up with a mail hosting provider. However, we send e-mails from our web application via postfix on our own server. Bounceback e-mails seem to go back to our postfix installation. We'd like these messages to forward to one of our accounts hosted on our mail hosting provider. Is this possible? If so, how? ...

postfix and rails : error 'hostname was not match with the server certificate error'

I am trying to setup Postfix with SMTP and with TLS on to be used by rails 2.3.10 app. email.yml settings are as follows: my mail server is production: :enable_starttls_auto: true :address: :domain: :port: 25 :authentication: :login :user_name: username :password: passwd Postfix is co...

infix to postfix

Hi all, I've been trying to figure out this problem. I have an assignment to make a basic calculator. To do so i need the instructions in postfix. I have found some code online, which worked but used gets(). I tried replacing the gets... but the program no longer works. Here is the code, i was hoping someone could find the error (usi...

Postfix how to count all outgoing emails?

Is it possible to count overall emails sent per day and save that value somewhere in a text file or in mysql? I need to compare numbers of mails sent from website and mails sent directly or via mail clients. Thanks ;) ...