
Where is pow function defined and implemented in C?

I read that the pow(double, double) function is defined in "math.h" but I can't find its declaration. Does anybody know where this function declared? And where is it implemented in C? Reference: http://publications.gbdirect.co.uk/c%5Fbook/chapter9/maths%5Ffunctions.html ...

Is there a substitute for Pow in BigInteger in F#?

I was using the Pow function of the BigInteger class in F# when my compiler told me : This construct is deprecated. This member has been removed to ensure that this type is binary compatible with the .NET 4.0 type System.Numerics.BigInteger Fair enough I guess, but I didn't found a replacement immediately. Is there one? Sho...

java.math.BigInteger pow(exponent) question

Hi, I did some tests on pow(exponent) method. Unfortunately, my math skills are not strong enough to handle the following problem. I'm using this code: BigInteger.valueOf(2).pow(var); Results: var | time in ms 2000000 | 11450 2500000 | 12471 3000000 | 22379 3500000 | 32147 4000000 | 46270 4500000 | 31459 5000000 | 49922 See? 2,5...

How to do a fractional power on BigDecimal in Java?

In my little project I need to do something like Math.pow(7777.66, 5555.44) only with VERY big numbers. I came across a few solutions: - Use double - but the numbers are too big - Use BigDecimal.pow but no support for fractional - Use the X^(A+B)=X^A*X^B formula (B is the remainder of the second num), but again no support for big X or bi...