
Unable to Create a Powershell Alias in a script Module

Steps to reproduce: Create a TestAlias module in \WindowsPowerShell\Modules\TestAlias\TestAlias.psm1 with the following function and alias: function foo { write-output 'foo' } New-Alias -name bar -value foo From Powershell a session import-module TestAlias bar The term 'bar' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function...

Easiest/shortest command to run a PowerShell script as a build event in Visual Studio

Just getting started with PowerShell. I was running DOS .bat files in my post build events in VS and wanted to graduate up to PowerShell. Bat files were easy...CALL something.bat. I tried to do that with a PowerShell ps1 file and my trial-and-erroring got me to the following (first thing that worked...tried all the simple things first...

Determine Running Times of Videos in Directory using PowerShell

Hi, I have a directory of videos (.AVI files) that I want to determine the duration of, and to create a file listing the titles and durations of all the videos, sorted in descending order of the video duration. Can anyone offer a PowerShell script to do this? Thanks, MagicAndi ...

compare excel data with date & show other matched data in powershell script.

Hi, I am trying to get the "date of birth" column in my excel sheet compared with system date & get the matches. The next step would be to get the associated datas(login names) in the same row, of the matched dates & display the same or dump the data to any file somewhere. This is what I have now: $link = "http://sp-fin/sites/arindam-s...

What exactly does PowerShell's -Version parameter do?

PowerShell's help (powershell -?) states: -Version Starts the specified version of Windows PowerShell. However, when starting PowerShell 2 with powershell -Version 1 all things I tried that are only present in v2 and not v1 still work, such as the -split operator or the Get-Random cmdlet. So what exactly changes when running Power...

Post login script pointing to new dhcp server

Hi, I have been trying to create a post login script that will change the default gateway to a specific IP and then renews its IP but haven't had any luck. I know the normal cmd line is ipconfig \renew for renewing it IP. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks ...

Auditing Exchange 2007 Mailbox Full Access Permissions with Powershell

Hi, I on occasion I get asked to produce a list of users who have Full Access rights to a particular Exchange 2007 Mailbox. At the moment I am doing this manually, and I'd ideally like to do it with Powershell. Is there anyway to produce a list of Full Access Permissions (and Send On Behalf rights would also be useful). Thanks, Jonny...

How bad is it to not dispose() in Powershell?

Sometimes we need to perform small administrative tasks in SharePoint. A simple PowerShell script is a really good tool for that. For instance, such script can enumerate event handlers of a list: [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint") $site = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($args[0]) $site.Ro...

What's the environment variable for the path to the desktop?

I'm writing a Windows batch file and want to copy something to the desktop. I think I can use this: %UserProfile%\Desktop\ However, I'm thinking, that's probably only going to work on an English OS. Is there a way I can do this in a batch file that will work on any internationalized version? UPDATE I tried the following batch f...

Powershell - Create Scheduled Task to run as local system / service

Can anyone tell me how to create a scheduled task using powershell that runs as the local system or local service? Everything works great except the call to ITaskFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition(). If I pass in $null, or "", than the call bombs saying invalid username or password. Any thoughts" $Rootfolder.RegisterTaskDefinition("Test", ...

Why are variable assignments within a Trap block not visible outside it?

Why are the variable assignments that I make inside the Trap block not visible outside it? $integer = 0; $string = [String]::Empty; $stringBuilder = new-object 'System.Text.StringBuilder'; trap { $integer = 1; $string = '1'; $stringBuilder.Append('1'); write-host "Integer Variable Inside: " $integer; write-host "St...

Possible to pass null from Powershell to a .Net API that expects a string?

API: namespace ClassLibrary1 { public class Class1 { public static string Test(string input) { if (input == null) return "It's null"; if (input == string.Empty) return "It's empty"; else return "Non-empty string of length " + inpu...

Execute a one-way wcf service operation from powershell

I have a scheduled task which executes a powershell script every hour. The powershell script must make a call to a one-way WCF service operation. Essentially it just needs to kick off an operation. My question is how do i go about doing that? I thought that just executing the url would in fact kick off the request but apparently that...

Cannot load an XML document with PowerShell

Somehow I can't read an XML file with very simple structure in my PowerShell script. The XML file is generated by "Microsoft Log Parser Toolkit" and I want to load its contents into a database. The script is very simple: $datalist=[xml] (gc ".\users.xml"); foreach ($ROW in $datalist.ROOT.ROW) { Write-host $ROW.CompName; } The...

NullRefException when using WebServiceProxy with Powershell and WCF

I'm trying to execute a wcf service operation from PowerShell using the following script. $uri = "http://myserver.com/myservice.svc?wsdl" $proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $uri $proxy.CleanupExpiredTransactions() However, I am getting the following exception. Exception calling "CleanupExpiredTransactions" with "0" argument(s): "Object...

Can't get powershell script to run inside PowerGUI

When I run my script directly from the Powershell console it works. When I run my script in PowerGUI and try instantiate an object, I get an error: Exception calling ".ctor" with "3" argument(s): "Could not load file or assembly 'MyLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=77f676cc8f85d94e' or one of its dependencies. The s...

Powershell script to delete files not specified in a list

I have a list of filenames in a text file like this: f1.txt f2 f3.jpg How do I delete everything else from a folder except these files in Powershell? Pseudo-code: Read the text file line-by-line Create a list of filenames Recurse folder and its subfolders If filename is not in list, delete it. Thanks in advance. ~HP ...

Is there a standard DateTime string representation that is valid as a Windows file name and can be parsed using DateTime.Parse?

As part of a simple backup process, I would like to save files with the name indicating the date and time of the backup. Right now I am using yyyyMMddTHHmmss, i.e. "20100601T115720". I would like to be able to parse those dates back to allow clean up of files older than a certain date. (The backup date time is not necessary the same as t...

How do I check that a string contains a date?

My script's input parameter is a date or a number. Here's a script that works fine, so you can see what I am trying to do: param($date = (Get-Date)) if ($date -match "^\d+$") { $date = (Get-Date).AddDays($date) } elseif ($date -as [DateTime]) { $date = [DateTime]::Parse($date) } else { 'You entered an invalid date'...

Launching PowerShell Script from Eclipse IDE

I'm trying to run a Powershell script without leaving Eclipse IDE so I setup External tool config as follows: under "main" tab: Location: C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe Working Directory: C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\ Arguments: "& C:\PowershellScripts\script.ps1" I save it and click run but ...