
Returning an OleDbDataReader from a function

In an attempt to refactor some of my code, I've added a function to setup an OleDbDataReader. The return value that I'm getting is for some odd reason a System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord. Just prior to the function returning the object, I checked to see that it is indeed a DataReader. Here's the function's code: function Execute-Reade...

Can you implement Model-View-ViewModel using Powershell and WPF using PowerBoots?

Are there any examples of this? I haven't been able to find anything on google that shows how to implement this design practice using powerboots. ...

How to use New-Object of a class present in a C# DLL using PowerShell

I have a class in C# say for example public class MyComputer : PSObject { public string UserName { get { return userName; } set { userName = value; } } private string userName; public string DeviceName { get { return deviceName; } set { deviceName = value; } } public str...

Prototypal inheritance in Powershell?

Are there any libraries or projects that implement prototypal inheritance for PSObjects in Powershell? ...

How can i get the file system location of a powershell script?

I have a powershell script located at d:\temp When I run this script, I want the current location of the file to be listed. How do I do this ? For example this code would accomplish it in a dos batch file; I am trying to convert this to a powershell script.. FOR /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%a IN ('%0') DO SET this_cmds_dir=%%~dpa CD /d "%...

Weird behaviour in Powershell script

I check out a working copy of a project using Checkout-WorkingCopy and later delete the directory using Cleanup-WorkingCopy (the code for these functions is at the end of this post). Problems I am facing: Instead of echoing "Checking out from svn://somePath1 to C:/somePath2" it echoes "Checking out from svn://somePath1 C:/somePath2 to...

Is it ok to call Powershell from an ASP.Net process

Is there any problems with creating a powershell runspace in an asp.net application and running commands? I have a basic example working fine but I'm wondering if there are any pitfalls waiting for me. I'm particularly wondering: Is this an a light-weight inprocess operation or is it firing up another processes that could lead to unp...

Refresh Sharepoint-linked Table in Access?

I have an access table in 2007 that is linked to a sharepoint list. When a new record is added to the sharepoint list, the change does not get automatically reflected in the access table. If you right click on the linked table, there is an option to "refresh list" which does exactly as you would expect. My question is how to perform t...

creating powershell script to backup a file and append the date

Currently I have a one line batch file to back up a file. I run it manually when I need to back up a file. The only thing I would like to add to it is the current date. Here is what I have: xcopy /W /Y ACTIVE.DB ACTIVE.DB.BACKUP the destination file should simply be ACTIVE.DB.BACKUP.YYYYMMDD. How would I go about creating a script ...

Powershell remove text from string

I have a string [Test: ABC.Test (6)] MORETEXTGOESHERE [(null)] <(null)> - A red fox jumped the fence and would like to trim the string to only show A red fox jumped the fence What is the best way to go about it. I'm sure I'll manage with SubStrings and IndexOfs but perhaps some regex expression could do the trick? ...

Send-MailMessage parameter from command prompt

Hi, I'm trying to run Send-MailMessage directly from a command window. c:>powershell Send-MailMessage -from '[email protected]' -to "[email protected]" -subject 'test' -smtpServer "srv.server.com" -Attachment c:\Test\log.txt -body "Test message" This fails with Send-MailMessage : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argumen...

Need help with New-Object comandlet

i'm trying to get QuickTest.Application and QuickTest.RunResultsOptions com objects. But when i access them this way: $qtp_app = New-Object -comobject QuickTest.Application -strict $qtpapp = $qtp_app | Get-Member $qtp_RunOpt = New-Object -comobject QuickTest.RunResultsOptions -strict $qtprunopt = $qtp_RunOpt | Get-Member i don't get...

How can I get list of open tabs in firefox via a command line application

I have a lot of tabs open in Firefox. After I close firefox and then run it again, the tabs are there, that's all right. However, from time to time, Firefox crashes and my tabs are lost. I would like to somehow get the open tabs and backup the list to some file. Any ideas? (With tabs in file I can also use git/svn/whatever to store the...

PowerShell to Open Outlook, Make Visible

My mission is to graduate from using PowerShell to create an instance of Outlook to simply viewing, or making visible the process that I can see in the TaskManager. To Digress, this works for Word, but not if I substitute Outlook. for Word. $MsApp = New-Object -comObject Word.Application $MsApp.Visible = $true I have checked the met...

Powershell Folder Inheritence problem

Hi, I am having problems with a powershell script i basically trying to reset the permission on a folder, by removing the following groups NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users BUILTIN\Users If i manually change the folder to not inherit from it parent the script works, I have look through google to find best way of removing the inherita...

How to get the currently executing file within powershell function

The following S.O. question addresses the problem (when you're trying to figure it out from within a script). http://stackoverflow.com/questions/817198/how-can-i-get-the-current-powershell-executing-file How would you do it if you were within a function. The Example below works outside the definition of the function, just not inside. ...

Variable Expansion within another Variable (Powershell)

So I've an array-variable of servers that is dynamically created from an external script. I now need to populate my GUI form with a list of check-boxes for each server. This will work as a selection mechanism when doing deployments to said servers. As I don't know how many servers are going to be in my list, this form will have to have...

Powershell: how to exclude label from results

Just getting started with Powershell and have a quick question. Trying to run this statement: gwmi -query "select Description from Win32_OperatingSystem" | select-object Description The results come back as: Description ------------ My PC Name But I just want MY PC Name. What else to I need to add to the statement to remove the la...

powershell retrieve function name

Is there a way to retrieve a function name from within a function. for example: function foo { [string]$functionName = commnandRetrievesFoo Write-Host "This function is called $functionName" } PS > This function is called foo ...

powershell write-debug blank line

Is there a way to get Write-Debug to print a blank line without printing DEBUG: Ex: Write-Debug `n Write-Debug `n # additional parameters or command here Write-Debug `n Output :> DEBUG: DEBUG: ...