
Index, assignment and increment in one statement behaves differently in C++ and C#. Why?

Why is this example of code behaving differently in c++ and C#. [C++ Example] int arr[2]; int index = 0; arr[index] = ++index; The result of which will be arr[1] = 1; [C# Example] int[] arr = new int[2]; int index = 0; arr[index] = ++index; The result of which will be arr[0] = 1; I find this very strange. Surely there must be so...

return value of prefix and postfix in C++

Why in C++ the prefix return a reference but the postfix return a value? ...

Prefix form of unary operator in Haskell

In GHCi: Prelude> (+3) 2 5 Prelude> (*3) 2 6 Prelude> (/3) 2 0.6666666666666666 Prelude> (-3) 2 No instance for (Num (t -> t1)) arising from the literal 3' at <interactive>:1:2 Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num (t -> t1)) In the expression: 3 In the expression: (- 3) 2 In the definit...