
Preg_match class name from PHP file

I have a script that recursively scans a directory pulling out class names from php files, and storing those classes names in an array. This is working nicely even through the rather large Zend Framework library folders. The issue is that classes that extend other classes are not being included in the array. Here is my current preg_mat...

PHP preg_match, need some help

Can someone please help me with this preg_match if (preg_match('~[^A-Za-z0-9_\./\]~', $filepath)) // Show Error message. I need to match a possible filepath. So I need to check for double slashes, etc. Valid file path strings should look like this only: mydir/aFile.php or mydir/another_dir/anyfile.js So a slash at the begi...

preg_replace, exact opposite of a preg_match

I need to do a preg_replace for the exact opposite of this preg_match regular expression: preg_match('#^(\w+/){0,2}\w+\.\w+$#', $string); So I need to replace all strings that are not valid with an empty string -> '' So it needs to remove the first / and last / if found, and all non-valid characters, that is the only valid characters...

regex preg_match|preg_match_all in php

I'm trying to come up with a regex that constructs an array that looks like the one below, from the following string $str = 'Hello world [something here]{optional}{optional}{optional}{n possibilities of this}'; So far I have /^(\*{0,3})(.+)\[(.*)\]((?:{[a-z ]+})?)$/ Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Hello world [s...

Detecting a url using preg_match? without http:// in the string

Hey there, I was wondering how I could check a string broken into an array against a preg_match to see if it started with www. I already have one that check for http://www. function isValidURL($url) { return preg_match('|^http(s)?://[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$|i', $url); } $stringToArray = explode(" ",$_POST['text']); ...

extract every occurrence on string

I have a string of the form "a-b""c-d""e-f"... Using preg_match, how could I extract them and get an array as: Array ( [0] =>a-b [1] =>c-d [2] =>e-f ... [n-times] =>xx-zz ) Thanks ...

preg_match problem

I'm trying to get some stuff from a string in php. In RegexBuddy and Regular expression tester (firefox addon) it works good, but php gives me the following: Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Compilation failed: unmatched parentheses at offset 34 in D:\path\example.php on line 62 my pattern is "/.{4}_tmp\\([A-Z...

extract a specific part from a html document , php cURL , php, preg_match

Hello ! I'm trying to extract some information from a webpage using php cURL+preg_match or any other function but for some reasons it doesn't work at all . For example from this page I want to extra...

Detecting .com / etc etc

Hey all! I currently have a preg_match to detect http:// and www. etc..... but I want to detect or from a string example string: "Hey hows it going, check out" And I want to detect What I want is to detect any major domains form this string i.e. .com .eu etc... from the fo...

How do I extract info from a block of URLs in php?

I have a list of urls, which can come in any format. One per line, separated by commas, have random text in between them, etc. the URLs are all from 2 different sites, and have a similar structure For this example, lets say it looks like this Random Text - Random Text 2 -

php's preg_match returning different number of matches for same pattern

I'm trying out preg_match with a roman numeral to integer converter. The problem is, for certain inputs, preg_replace seems to be giving too few matches. The code: function romanNumeralToInt($romanNumeral) { preg_match ( '/^(M?M?M?)' .'((CM)|(CD)|((D?)(C?C?C?)))' .'((XC)|(XL)|((L?)(X?X?X?)))' .'((IX)|(IV)...

preg_match_all problems

i use preg_match_all and need to grab all a href="" tags in my code, but i not relly understand how to its work. i have this reg. exp. ( /(<([\w]+)[^>]>)(.?)(<\/\2>)/ ) its take all html codes, i need only all a href tags. i hobe i can get help :) ...

preg_match to find the current directory in a URL

I'm trying to detect the current section of a site that a user is viewing by checking for the final directory in the URL. I'm using a PHP and regex to do it and I think I'm close but unfortunately not quite there yet. Here's what I currently have: <?php $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI_PATH'] = preg_replace('/\\?.*/', '', $_SERVER['REQ...

Help using preg_match for phone numbers

how would i write an if statement that would find phone numbers and store them to a variable. Here is what i have so far but its not working. if (preg_match('/^(?:(?:\+?1\s*(?:[.-]\s*)?)?(?:\(\s*([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-8]1|[2-9][02-8][02-9])\s*\)|([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-8]1|[2-9][02-8][02-9]))\s*(?:[.-]\s*)?)?([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-9]1|[...

php cURL. preg_match , extract text from xhtml

I'm trying to extract the price from the bellow html page/link using php cURL and preg_match . Basically I'm expecting for this code to output 4,550 but for some reasons I get Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\wamp\www\test.php on line 22 I think that the pattern is correct because if I put the html itself in a variable and escape the...

In PHP how do I complete a regex that returns only what was grouped

I want to perform a regex using grouping. I am only interested in the grouping, its all I want returned. Is this possible? $haystack = '<a href="/foo.php">Go To Foo</a>'; $needle = '/href="(.*)">/'; preg_match($needle,$haystack,$matches); print_r($matches); //Outputs //Array ( [0] => href="/foo.php"> [1] => /foo.php ) //I want: //A...

Why does this preg_match not return 1?

I've been looking at this code and it's supposed to match my $input string and in $matches[0] store 'testing' $input = ':testing'; $r = preg_match('/^(?<=\:).+/',$input,$matches); What's wrong with it? ...

Matching "Wibble A, B, C2, D" using PERL-regex

... Foo, Bar, Wibble A, B, C2, N, J, Baz, Qux, More, More, ... ... Bar, Qux, Wibble D, E, J, N6, O, Foo, Foo, More, More, ... and so on How do I match highlighted part of these strings using PERL-compatible regular expressions? It starts with a word "Wibble" and continues with one or two character components separated by a com...

preg_match , regexp , php , extract text from html

I'm trying to extract "Florida (FL)" from;oh=216543. My code is //get location $pattern = "/(State)<\/i>\:<\/td>(.*)<\/td>/"; preg_match_all($pattern, $htmlContent, $matches); print_r($matches); any idea why is not working ? ...

Pulling specific entries from RSS feed [PHP]

So, I have an RSS feed with variations of each item. What I want to do is just get entries that contain a specific section of text. For example: <item> <title>RADIO SHOW - CF64K - 05-20-10 + WRAPUP </title> <link>;/link&gt; <comments>Radio show from 05-20-10</comments> <pubDate>Thu, 20 May 2010 1...