
Hints for making programming even more pleasant

After my first large project, I've understood there are lots of things that can make programming more pleasant at such projects. I know some already but what else I could yet do when preparing for large projects? What I've learned this far: Minimize your requirements list for the project. Set up a repository. (*) Version your code. (*...

When is a basic (webdev) education complete?

I'm an ICT student. I've been doing it for 2 years and recently I started following developper blogs, got a twitter account to keep track of new blogs, lists of tips, tricks, free templates and other such things. Doing so has showed me that the amount of subject I thought I had to cover is actually vastly smaller than what's really out ...

c# mileage counter

A mileage counter is used to measure mileage in an automobile. A mileage counter looks something like this 0 5 9 9 8 The above mileage counter says that the car has travelled 5,998 miles. Each mile travelled by the automobile increments the mileage counter. Here is how the above mileage counter changes over a 3 mile drive. After the ...

get the consecutive factors ,c#

hi , i need to solve this question but im stuck at getting the factors , but what i need to do is... A positive number n is consecutive-factored if and only if it has factors, i and j where i > 1, j > 1 and j = i + 1. Write a function named isConsecutiveFactored that returns 1 if its argument is consecutive-factored, otherwise it retur...

Choose variables based on name (simple regular expression)

I would like to incorporate variable names that imply what I should do with them. I imagine a dataframe "survey". library(Rlab) # Needed for rbern() function. survey <- data.frame(cbind( id = seq(1:10), likert_this = sample(seq(1:7),10, replace=T), likert_that = sample(seq(1:7), 10, replace=T), dim_bern_varx = rbern(10, 0.6), ...