
How can InstallShield check if SQL Server 2005 (3.1) Compact Edition (CE) is installed

I am developing a Windows desktop application which requires the SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition (SQLServerCE31-EN.msi) to be installed. I am using InstallShield 2011 to install this as a pre-requisite during the installation process. In order to come up with the pre-requisite definition I used Process Monitor to see that these registry...

What pre-requisite knowledge is required for developing android apps, Iphone etc?

I am looking forward to start a mobile application development business and wish a to have direct knowledge of the technologies that run behind the cool apps. Being new to the programming / development world...pls suggest if it is better to learn .Net or Java before learning about Android SDK, iOS SDK etc? ...

Prerequisites validation and installation C#

Hello everyone. I developed a custom installer application because the Visual Studio Setup Projects is not sufficient customizable to fit my needs. I developed a validator and an Installer for Prerequisites like .NET framework, SQL Server, but I'm unable to start some executables like the one from .NET framework using Process.Start. I ...