
How do I Make Firefox Print a Background-Color Style?

I have some simple CSS: #someElement { background-color:black; color:white; } It looks ok in the browser, but when I go to print it in Firefox it comes out as black text on a white background. I imagine this is some sort of ink-saving feature, but is there any way around it? ...

How to see the print media CSS in Firebug?

Firebug is an excellent tool to to show a screen media CSS for some HTML element, but is there a way to look at the print media CSS too? Or is there any other tool to see the print media CSS? ...

Should we put print css at bottom?

Would it be better if we put print css at bottom just before </body> like yahoo's recommendation for js because only few people will take print and if we will put at bottom then it will be accessed after screen.css and html. ...

if we are providing a seperate "printer friendly page" for each page of site then do we need to use print media css in site?

if we are providing a seperate "printer friendly page" for each page of site then do we need to use print media css in site? only screen css is enough in this case? ...