I have chunks of XAML displayed on my screen that I make printable with a print button inside that chunk, something like this:
<Border DockPanel.Dock="Top" x:Name="PrintableArea">
<ContentControl Background="Green" x:Name="ManageButt...
I have some pages that I want to save the PRINT version of the HTML that the browser would render. I need to do this server side, because I want to convert it to a PDF and them embed it in an email.
These pages I want to print have the following in the header of their Master Page.
<link media="all" href="../css/stylenav.css" type="text/...
Presently I am having a problem with printing in C#.
I have a pre-printed bill, and I need to print values into some
specific points of that bill.
Any suggestions?
I was looking at this question and started wondering what does the print actually do.
I have never found out how to use string.decode() and string.encode() to get an unicode string "out" in the python interactive shell in the same format as the print does. No matter what I do, I get either
UnicodeEncodeError or
the escaped string wit...
I am not sure but there are many unbelievable things getting done each day.
So my question is that can we rotate a generated page with 90 degrees like how we do this in pdf using either php or JavaScript?
I've created a HTML based report that can be variable lengths and number of segments in C# (which is why Crystal Reports wasn't used) and I can't use the wonderful http://www.printfriendly.com/ as the report is Intranet based (boooo, hiss).
I've created a media=print CSS file that is used to make the formatting as paper and ink ...
I'm trying to get a FlowDocument to print. After spending much of the day trying multiple pages I failed and opted for something simpler, but I'm now at a loss to explain when text isn't output to the page. This has to be something I've got snowblind to I think. There are two tables below, placing a converter on both shows that the value...
Continuing my post for finding the print service application, I'm really interested in java4less(textprinter). How do I to print one string object with multiple line inside, let's say the string name is out:
AID : 000922
I have a silverlight control that prints to about 1.5 pages. I'd like to try and scale to fit onto a single page.
I'm using the new Printing API in Silverlight 4.
I've modified the docToPrint.PrintPage handler as follows :
var renderHeight = item.RenderSize.Height;
var printableHeight = args.PrintableArea.Height;
var scal...
How to make cross size and cross browser compatible
print CSS for World's most use
paper sizes to get print?
A4, A3, Legal etc
How we can same almost similar
formatting to our site page's like
MS word ? What are best practices to
get consistency in formatting of
print page from any popular
How to set cross browse...
I have a report I need to print out in an application I'm usually doing maintenance for. My question, which interests me beyond the scope of this task is, what are the ways to format an HTML page for printing? What are the pros and cons of each?
Note that the page is meant only to be printed. I'm not asking about an HTML page that l...
I have a C# windows service which is running under the NetworkService account. It occassionally needs to print a Chart object which I do by simply calling:
chart.Printing.Print(false); // suppress the Printer Dialog
The weird thing is it seems works fine running as a console application.
The only way it will work is if I run the serv...
Hi all,
I have a label control in a page in asp.net 2.0 and a button Print.
Clicking on print button I need to print the content of the label and I need same for a panel also.
Is it possible to implement this?
If yes then how to implement that?
Please help.
function CallPrint() {
var prtContent = document.getElementById('<%= pnlDelete.ClientID %>');
var winPrint = window.open('', '', 'left=0,top=0,width=800,height=600,toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0');
winPrint.document.write("<h3>Summary</h3><br />" + prtContent.innerHTML);
I would like to make a button on a page that can call a JS function in the same page. the function will need to produce (open) new window which its HTML code was given from the JS function itself. How can I do that?
The purpose of this is to produce a print friendly page out of a specific page.
Please notice: No AJAX can be used.
Original question:
How can I allow my users to select a printer tray when printing a Reporting Services report from my ASP.NET application?
Follow up:
Just to follow up, my question was rubbish. I should have phrased it as..
Is it possible, using reporting services, when printing the report to say "page X" goes to tray 1, "Page Y" go...
What are the right sizes for a webpage to be printed on A4 size paper? What other stuff should be considered?
*inline CSS is preferred in this case
Clarification: This web-page's only propose is to be printed, since it is a receipt.
Clarification # 2: This web-page is for the internal use of the company I'm working for. They would lik...
I've run into a strange issue where printers manufactured by Brother (one in particular is the Brother HL-2140 printer) do not appear in the PrintService array returned in the following code:
PrintService[] printers = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE, new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet());
So far, th...
Does anyone have any ideas of how I can programatically determine if the excel print preview window is open using c++? I've used spy to look at it, can't find anything sensible.
i have an intranet web page that need to send text to a network label printer to print it.
how can i do that?