
Why does PrintStream.close() end up getting called twice?

Somewhat to my surprise, the following code prints out "Close" twice. Running through the debugger, it seems MyPrintStream.close() calls super.close(), which ends up calling MyPrintStream.close() again. import*; public class PrintTest { static class MyPrintStream extends PrintStream { MyPrintStream(OutputStre...

Java: PrintStream to String?

I have a function that takes an object of a certain type, and a PrintStream to which to print, and outputs a representation of that object. How can I capture this function's output in a String? Specifically, I want to use it as in a toString method. ...

Java Socket OutputStream is not flushing.

Hellow every body. I am writing a socket-based server in java. A client connects to it(a web-browser) and the server sends back a simple html code and sets cookie to recognize next time client connects to it again. I am using PrintStream to write to the socket , but flush is not working. The only way i can flush is to use shutdownoutput ...

What is the best way, if possible, to send information from a Java PrintStream to a JTextPane?

In Java, I have a package that translates XML metadata from one standard to another. This package is ultimately accessed through a single function and sends all of its output through a PrintStream object. The output sent is just a status of each file and whether or not it was translated. This is pretty fine and dandy if I'm just print...

Java: Difference between PrintStream and PrintWriter

What is the difference between PrintStream and PrintWriter? They have much methods in common. I always mix up this classes because of that reason. And I think we can use them for exactly the same. But there has to be a difference. Otherwise there was only one class. I first searched on StackOverflow, but not yet this question. ...

plain old system.out question

I was looking at someone's code and saw that he repeatedly declared PrintStream out = System.out; and later called out.println("blah"); I actually thought this was kind of neat. Is this a common practice? Was he just being fancy? ...

Printing Runtime exec() OutputStream to console

I am trying to get the OutputStream of the Process initiated by exec() to the console. How can this be done? Here is some incomplete code: import; import; import; import; import; import; public class RuntimeTests { publi...

How do I catch a place its output in a JEditorPane?

I am attempting to make a Java program in which a user can select any .class or .jar file from their computer. My program will then pop up a JInternalFrame with a JEditorPane in it as the console, capturing any console output from the user's program. Note that I do not want to capture just System.err or System.out calls, but ALL PrintStr...