
Elevating process privilege programatically?

I'm trying to install a service using InstallUtil.exe but invoked through Process.Start. Here's the code: ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo (m_strInstallUtil, strExePath); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start (startInfo); where "m_strInstallUtil" is the fully qualified path and exe to InstallUtil.exe and "strExePath" is th...

Set app to require elevation?

I'm working on the bootstrap application of a new installer for some of our products. So far, I've been relying on two things that I read about somewhere: Applications whose name contains "setup" or "install" will run elevated by default. Applications that run elevated will launch other applications in elevated mode. Recent testing h...

Newly compiled application requires UAC/elevation?

hi! I have a system, I set it up as a normal with UAC, and in my delphi environment I compile my project named ka.exe, I create a installshield project for it. setup and everything completes ok! but whenever I start my program, it requires elevation and I don't have any clue why. just to be sure installshield is not playing mindgames ...

Impersonating in .NET using Process.Start and UAC

I am trying to run programs from another .NET program that requires elevation using the impersonation option of the Process.Start (System.Diagnostics) method. The user for impersonation is a local administrator. The O/S is 2008 and UAC is turned on. Whenever calling process start I'm getting a Win32 permission error: "The requested ope...