
Low Friction Minimal Requirements Gathering

How can our team gather requirements from our "Product Owner" in as low friction yet useable of a way as possible? Now here's the guidelines- No posts that it can't be done or that the business needs to make a decision that it cares about quality, yada yada. The product I work for is a small group that has been successful for years. I j...

Do you use defect categorization information to improve your development processes?

Categorization of defects could be used to quickly analyze the readiness of my product to ship as well as identifying where opportunities exist in my development process. I have been looking at methods such as Orthoganal Defect Tracking. Creating criteria to determine what part of a process needs to be revisited seems difficult and thi...

jQuery form submission/effects improvement?

I've been working on this all day and I'm stuck here... I'm making a slide-down login-form that is submitted with the jquery ajax.form plugin. The effects work, the submission works. But when you put them together they don't work... This is for expression engine, so the {if} tags are just EE conditionals. See that the content changes ...

How to refresh screen so that closed forms actually disappear

I have multiple forms that popup during an intensive operation. For example, when a form popups asking user for something, and the user clicks OK, the form's graphics stay on the main screen, even though it is closed. How can I make it so that these graphics disappear completely? ...