
Difference Flex/Flash NetConnection and Consumer/Producer

What's the difference between a NetConnection and Consumer/Producer in Flex? It seems that they both use RTMP but Consumer/Producer uses Channels and NetConnection does not. Does the Consumer/Producer uses a NetConnection underneath? ...

C# producer/consumer

hi, i've recently come across a producer/consumer pattern c# implementation. it's very simple and (for me at least) very elegant. it seems to have been devised around 2006, so i was wondering if this implementation is - safe - still applicable Code is below (original code was referenced at

Producer / Consumer - I/O Disk

Hi, I have a compressed file in the disk, that a partitioned in blocks. I read a block from disk decompress it to memory and the read the data. It is possible to create a producer/consumer, one thread that recovers compacted blocks from disk and put in a queue and another thread that decompress and read the data? Will the performance ...

Background consumer thread lifetime management best practices

I have a C# class library which starts up a background consumer thread (lazily) which listens for tasks to complete from a producer/consumer queue. This class library can be used from any type of .NET application and is currently in use under an ASP.NET MVC web site. The consumer thread is blocked most of the time until a request comes i...