
Magento product listing using ajax

Hi, I have to add 5 separate tabs like By category,our picks, most popular top rated, your favorites in home page itself and each of them should list out the products under that one without full page reloading. That is using ajax , is it possible in magento. If so please guide me on this. ...

How have I add a Simple Product into Magento using a php function?

Hi guys, How have I to add a product into Magento using a php function? I have used the API but it is very slow. I have to import about 100.000 records and check the stock everynight. Regards ...

How do I have to add a collection of products in Magento?

Hi guys, I need to add about 100.000 records in my Magento Store. I have already the function that helps me to add a product but I need to improve it using the collections of products. This is my custom function: public function Products($data){ try{ foreach($data as $record){ $product = Mage::getSingleton('c...

How can I sell a profile on magento?

Hi guys, I want to build a magento virtual store, where i can sell profiles in a website community. A profile is actually an account (identified with a unique code or password and username) where the user can fill some data, in my website community (the community is a separated platform, with a separated database). How can i do that? Is ...