
How to find out a COM prog id?

I'd like to access a COM library via late binding. How can I find out its progID? Type oClassType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("THE MISSING PROGID"); ...

Can multiple ProgIDs point to the same ClsID?

I am working on a set of what are essentially plugins, which are COM servers. Each plugin has a set of configuration data which is managed by another component, the primary key to the configuration data is the plug-in's ProgID. When the plugin needs to access a configuration item, it makes a call and passes in its ProgID and the name of ...

What happens if I violate the requirements imposed on ProgIDs?

This MSDN article states that any ProgID must meet several formal requirements, length restriction included. However nothing is said about what happens if those are violated. I found several places in our codebase where ProgIDs are longer than 39 characters, still everything seems to work allright for them, ProgIDFromCLSID() and CLSIDFr...

ProgID and file extension relation

I am working on a program using the JACOB project (JAva COm Bridge). There is a file to open, the entire name is passed along (ex. c:\test\test.xls). In order for JACOB to create a new ActiveXComponent it needs to be passed a ProgID or CLSID. (Such as Excel.Application, or Word.Application, but outside of the MS realm there is also A...

How do we use the ProgID column in the File Associations settings?

I'm deploying my application using ClickOnce. I want to register a file association but I can't manage to make it work: What should I use as ProgID in the File Associations section of the Publish Options? ...

how do i know that the Type for Visual Studio instance is VisualStudio.DTE.9.0

using System.Type type = System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID("VisualStudio.DTE.9.0"); i can get hold of the type for an instance of Visual Studio. My question is where was it specified that the type of Visual Studio 2008 instance is "VisualStudio.DTE.9.0". Can any one direct me how to find it using Ole/Com viewer. I believe the ProgId can ...

get progid of a running process

Is it possible to get the progID of a running process? Using C#? ...