
C#: access programatically settings from app.config

I am trying to programatically access windows application app.config file. In particular i am trying to access the "" The following code Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(configFileName); MailSettingsSectionGroup settings = (MailSettingsSectionGroup)config.GetSectionGroup(@"sy...

Programatically detect and setup an external screen?

Hi. Is it possible in Java (or any other language?) to detect if there's an available external screen (on VGA or DVI) and start the screen, and send graphics (text and stuff) to it. An example: In Powerpoint, if you have an external screen connected, and you go "live" or start the presentation, it will show on the external screen. I'm ...

C# reportviewer control export programatically

Hi, does anyone know if you can programatically save a report shown in a reportviewer control in c#? When a report is shown there are export to buttons and i would like to automate the saving to PDF function. ...

programatically accessing the file allcoation table in windows

hi i want to know how can i programatically access the file allocation entries (FAT) in my windows operating system. I have read the articles which mention to read entries at a particular address in the harddisk, but how can i read those entries from the harddisk. I can try in C,C++,C# or VB. The tutorials on were helpful i...

How to set a:visited and a:hover programatically in ASP.NET

Hi, can someone tell me how to programatically set a:visited and a:hover programatically? I am dynamically building up some hyperlinks server side and want to know how to specify unique css behaviour for each link. Otherwise i would set them all in a stylesheet. Thanks. ...

How can I programmatically access UI elements in a NIB without 'wiring' them?

Hi - I'm contemplating writing some helper functions to make it easier to do simple changes to the UI elements in my iPhone NIB. Mainly - I want to access a UILabel, or other element, via it's Name in Interface Builder. Is this possible? Is there a smarter approach? Example Say I want to make a super simple iPhone app that displays ...