
Algorithm to determine an objects neighbor

I vaguely remember reading about a programming exercise where objects are drawn on the screen. If an object has less than 2 neighbors, it dies because it is lonely, if it has more than 3 it dies because it is crowded. If the amount of neighbors is 2 or 3 then it will spawn children. the general idea was to see how many generations cou...

Where can I find C coding exercises to practice?

Tutorials are a dime a dozen, but I'd like to find a list of exercises online that I could attempt to practice what I'm learning. The sort of things that start with "Write a program to..." I'm an absolute beginner, so basic exercises increasing in difficulty would be great. ...

good code dojo question for introductory scala?

Hi folks--we're reading Programming Scala in our tech book club, and I'm thinking having a quick code dojo after the introductory chapters would be a good way to get our feet wet with the language before we proceed on. Does anyone have ideas for good programming problems that we could tackle in a 30-45 session that exercise basic Scala? ...

Programming exercise ?

I got this exercise, is not a homework, I just trying to solve: We manage a farm with horses that have to work on the field. A horse has a name, a maximum amount of working hours per week, the amount of hours actually worked and a field to indicate if she is lazy or hard-working. All the attributes ...

C Programming Exercises

Possible Duplicate: Where can I find C coding exercises to practice? I am learning c programming language and i need some exercises resources to practice from. ...