
jQuery Multivalue Pop-up prompt

I have some jquery code that is doing an ajax lookup and returning comma delimited values (value1, value2, value3...) I want to prompt the user with these values to find out which one they want. I'm not having much luck finding an jquery extension that will give me a pop-up window, show list of values and return the seleted value. Any...

ZSH Prompt/RPrompt Conflict

I currently have my ZSH PROMPT variable set up as: PROMPT=$'[%{\e[0;32m%}%n@%m:%~%{\e[0m%}]> and my RPROMPT variable as: RPROMPT=$'[%{\e[0;32m%}%T\e[0m%}]' The effect I'm working for is to make the brackets and ">" white (using Terminal text-color settings) and everything inside of those green. However, when RPrompt is enabled in OS ...