
Model-View-Controller Pros and Cons

What's the pros and cons of using a Model-View-Controller model in building your application? ...

User Interface Markup Language pros and cons...

I learnt about some declarative UI languages such as XUL for Mozilla/Gecko and HTA for Microsoft at Wikipedia. What would be the advantages/disadvantages of these markup languages? Why don't common OSes and Applications use these techniques? Do these languages impart flexibility to the system? Are there any OSes that use markup lan...

Midlet v/s Phone Browser app pros and cons?

How do you weight the pros and cons between a Midlet and Browser based client/server app for a phone ... What are the pros and cons of both... And based on your experience what will you prefer to go in for and why? I have listed some points based on which we can compare both feel free to add your own... Rapid development. Rich UI. ...

SSIS packages within SQL Server Agent and File Server: advantages - disadvantages

All, I have considerable number of SSIS packages, and need to configure it on PRODUCTION environemnt. Just want to know the advantages and disadvantages of configuring and running SSIS packages within SQL Server Agent over File Server. All the packages are designed in SQL Server 2005. Thank you ...

What are pros and cons when choosing jquery as my primary javascript library?

I have started a new web application and have decided to use jquery as my primary javascript library... But still i want to get some pros and cons tips from SO users who used jquery ... ...