
ASP.NET Provider with Different Types of Roles

Hello, I have different types of Roles to take into account when authorizing a user. For example: John must have Position Manager and be part of the Office Supplies Department to order a new computer. Problem with Roles is Roles.GetRolesForUser("John") can only return a string array. Should I go with a custom roleProvider and custo...

How to get information form page in Custom XMLSiteMapProvider

Hey there guys! First of all I need to tell you that I use URL Rewriting on this project. For the article page this is the url : For breadcrumbs I use SiteMapPath control with a custom XMLSiteMapProvider because I can't keep all my articles in the xml file. In this p...

Relationship Between ASPNET Membership Provider Tables and Custom Membership Tables

Hi. I went through a custom profile provider example a while ago and I am now revisiting it. My database has all the dbo.aspnet_* tables created when I ran the aspnet registration wizard. In these tables I have aspnet_Profile which has a FK constraint pointing to aspnet_Users. I also have two tables in MyDB: The first, dbo.ProfileD...

Access Database connection string error

So I'm making a website on localhost and I have a database in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Lollipops\App_Data\lollipopDB.mdb that I need to use on my website but when I try to do a SELECT statement on it, it keeps giving me the error: "System.ArgumentException: Keyword not supported: 'provider'." This is in my web.config file - < connectionStri...

A list of Entity Framework providers for various databases

Which providers are there and your experience using them I would like to know about all possible native .net Framework Entity Framework providers that are out there as well as their limitations compared to the default Linq2Entities (from MS for MS SQL). If there are more for the same database even better. Tell me and I'll be updating th...

Possible to write custom content provider for existing system database?

Hi folks, Not sure of the absolute utility of this but seems as though it should be possible and useful. Can you extend ContentProvider to provide URIs representing new queries (i.e., joins across multiple tables not specified by existing URIs) for an existing system database? The alternative seems to be that I need to write a series o...

Silverlight deployment data provider missing

I am deploying a silverlight application which uses a mysql db through ADO.NET Entity Data Model. When trying to run the application from my host, the WCF service works fine, but i get a server exception when calling from wcf service: Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed. at System.Data....

Getting the .NET Class associated with a process

As part of a WMI Coupled provider that I'm creating I need to write an instance enumerator. The code I have is below. What I need to do is get the Class instance associated with the process. Any ideas? static public WMIProviderSample GetInstance([ManagementName("ID")] int processId) { try { Process[] ...

MEF or a Provider Model?

I'm working on a project that is currently using MEF to import extensions for a console application. I'm looking at the ability to provide more than just console-based output for the application that can be configured to the needs of the user. I am wondering which way to go in order to provide the extensibility to the output functionali...

Which authentication mechanisms should I support in a new web project?

I'm about to build a new web application and I'm getting stuck on which authentication system(s) to support. Back in the day it used to be a simple matter of creating a registration page and having everything tied to your own custom authentication provider. These days there's OpenID, Facebook Connect, Twitter and now I'm reading about ...

MEF Contrib Provider Model Not Importing Parts

I have been trying to use the configurable provider model for handling my MEF imports and exports from MEF Contrib (link). I've read the Codeplex documentation and Code Junkie's blog post (link); however, I can't seem to get the container to create the parts. Where am I going wrong? Program.cs namespace MEFTest { class Program ...

ASP.Net Providers for MySQL

Hello. Are there ASP.NET 2.0 Providers available for MySQL? On Googling, I find discrete (and incomplete) pieces of code on codeplex and elsewhere. Alternatively there is dotConnect from Devart, however, it is commercial. I am looking for something that is open source, free & production quality. The one that I am looking for should...

NHibernate select most recent record that meets criteria

Last night I started working on an NHibernate provider. I'm creating a criteria that several records will match, however I only want to return the most recent record (the record with the largest Id). I thought UniqueResult() would do this it cannot be used if a list would be returned otherwise. I could theoretically select the full li...

Typical Pattern for multiple providers/vendors?

I'm building a software product, in which the customer will be able to configure their system to use any one of 3 or 4 pre-integrated payment gateway vendors. (eg: PayPal,, etc). The customer will log into the application, navigate to settings, select which vendor they have an account with, enter the relevant account infor...

deploy application with OraOLEDB provider

I developed an application that uses Delphi 7, ADO and ORACLE, the provider I use is OraOLEDB (I need use this provider because the BLOB fields support). now I want to distribute this application with the provider. I search the web to download the Oracle provider, but has a size of 174 mb. I need to install this file on all client machin...

Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider turns string into a date

I am using Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 from .NET to read a CSV file. Here is a sample input data row: 102A Avenue,97 Street,99 Street,2 Lanes Closed,2007-04-13,2009-12-31 When I read the last two valuee they come out as DateTime rather than strings and that is neither what I want nor what I expect. It seems that the provider performs type...

ADO.NET Entity Framework with OLE DB Access Data Source

Has anyone found a way to make the ADO.NET Entity Framework work with OLE DB or ODBC data sources? Specifically, I need to work with an Access database that for various reasons can't be upsized to SQL. This MSDN page says: The .NET Framework includes ADO.NET providers for direct access to Microsoft SQL Server (including Entity Frame...

What is a dot net provider?

What is the meaning "Provider" in dot net provider. For example when we are speaking about AuthorizationRuleProvider, connectionStrings.providerName, ...? ...

any .Net provider for MonetDB

are there any or any alternatives available ? ...

Which provider should I select to connect to Excel version 11 through AdoConnection?

I need to connect to Excel table through TADOConnection, and I don't know what to write into ConnectionsString property. For Excel Version 8 I use Jet, for 12 I use ACE, what about 11? And how should connectionstring look? ...