
Using PUT with PHP OAuth library

I'm having a problem using the PUT HTTP method with the PHP OAuth library (http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.oauth.php) What I need to do is pass some XML as the file to be PUT, but I am not sure how to send it with OAuth. Here's what I have: $xml = "<data><id>1234</id><something>i am now set to this</something></data>"; $oauth->f...

WCF REST service hosted in IIS does not support PUT and DELETE

I created a WCF REST (aka WebHttp) service in .NET 4, using Microsoft's WCF REST Service Template 40. I am hosting the service in IIS 6. The Service Template uses the RouteTable in the Global.asax as a way to create "clean" URL's that don't include ".svc" in them. For example: http:// localhost / flights / 878 GET and POST work fine a...

How to Consume JSON as input in PUT and POST method of REST webservice in java

Hello All. I am trying to create a REST web service using JAX-RS. In that, I have PUT method or POST method which consumes the json as mediatype in the REST web service. Can I know how to call these methods from the client side. How do we pass that json as input from client side to those PUT and POST method and how would we consume the...

Rails not encoding nested data from POST

Hello, I am currently working on rails3 application that uses jQuery. I have a javascript plugin that returns an array of JSON data based on selections that the user has made. I have a save button that reads this array of data form the java script plug in and posts it back to the rails application to be saved. The javascript seems to be ...

httpclient put problem

Hi, I have been given an api which states that it requires: URL http://server/a/messages.xml HTTP Method POST (even though the soapui example of this call uses PUT) Input XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <message> <content>Post message</content> <parent-id nil="true"></parent-id> </message> Now i have tried to use t...

Obtaining the form data, the user input in a simple web form using Squid proxy

Hi, There is a web application server. I need to inspect the content of a form before it is processed on the server. I need to obtain the user's response using Squid Proxy server. Out of the box Squid does not supply access to the POST, PUT or GET of the response, only the GET request. I need the setup in which Squid can get this...

Using PUT method with PHP cUrl Library

Hi all, I'm able to run the following curl command (at the command line) successfully: curl -XPOST --basic -u user:password -H accept:application/json -H Content-type:application/json --data-binary '{ "@queryid" : 1234 }' http://localhost/rest/run?10 Here is what I'm doing so far however it doesn't seem to be working with the REST se...

What is the syntax for adding an element to a scala.collection.mutable.Map ?

What is the syntax for adding an element to a scala.collection.mutable.Map ? Here are some failed attempts: val map = scala.collection.mutable.Map map("mykey") = "myval" map += "mykey" -> "myval" map.put("mykey","myval") ...