
How will you print a character without library functions in C ?

If for example I should not use standard library functions like printf, putchar then how can I print a character to the screen easily. Is there any easy way of doing it. I dont know much about system calls and if I have to use them then how? So can any one advice an easy way of printing a character without using library functions?? Than...

Opposite of putchar()?

Is there an opposite to putchar() where you can pass the ascii character and it will output the numerical value? Thanks. ...

getchar() and putchar()

in the example: #include <stdio.h> main() { long nc; nc = 0; while (getchar() != EOF) ++nc; printf("%ld\n", nc); } I don't quite understand it. putchar() would put the character out, but why is it that after EOF it puts all the characters out, and where is it remembering all these characters? Thanks. ...

Printing a string in C using a function

I'm brand new to C and am trying to learn how to take a string and print it using a function. I see examples everywhere using while(ch = getchar(), ch >= 0), but as soon as I put it into a function (instead of main()), it ceases to work. Right now, it's stuck in an endless loop... why is that? // from main(): // printString("hello"); v...