
How are you planning on handling the migration to Python 3?

I'm sure this is a subject that's on most python developers' minds considering that Python 3 is coming out soon. Some questions to get us going in the right direction: Will you have a python 2 and python 3 version to be maintained concurrently or will you simply have a python 3 version once it's finished? Have you already started or p...

Problem regarding 3.0's "hashlib" module

I've been working on getting a 2.5 module ported to 3.0, mostly for my own education, when I've gotten stuck. The class "Builder" has as its init: def __init__(self, **options): self._verifyOptions(options) self._options = options self._initDigest() self._initBuildNames() self._methods = [] But the error occurs a...

Tool like 2to3, except for merges

I maintain a fork of my project for Python 3.1. When I initially made the port from 2.6, I used 2to3, but now I constantly have to merge new code from the 2.6 fork into the 3.1 fork. How can I perform the 2to3 operation on these merges automatically? (I use git, if it matters.) ...

use/run python's 2to3 as or like a unittest

I have used the 2to3 utility to convert code from the command line. What I would like to do is run it basically as a unittest. Even if it tests the file rather than parts(funtions, methods...) as would be normal for a unittest. It does not need to be a unittest and I don't what to automatically convert the files I just want to monitor t...

Output being printed in the same line, Py3k

In Python 2.x, I'd write... for i in range(5): print i, get integers from 0 to 4 printed in the same row. How to do that in Python 3.x, since print is a function now? ...

python 2to3 manual modification

Is there a way to change python2.x source code to python 3.x manually. I guess using lib2to3 this can be done but I don't know exactly how to do this ? ...