
How to get latest facebook status update in python?

I need to be able to get the latest facebook status update of an user that has allowed consent. Is there a way to do this with pyfacebook without having to have the user login in facebook? ...

Installing pyFacebook on Google App Engine

Hello, I am trying to build a facebook application with GAE. I added the (renamed it from to my directory and then i am trying to import it. However, I get several compilation errors such as: class AuthProxy(AuthProxy): "" undefined variable: Authproxy"" and so on... How should I setup this script? Thanks Joel...

PyFacebook with Pylons

I'd like to implement PyFacebook in my Python + Pylons application. Where should I include the package? What's the cleanest way to import it? What directory should I put the files in? Thanks! ...

Fetch Facebook ID with PyFacebook, "Session key is required"

I'm trying to fetch the logged in user's ID with Facebook + PyFacebook via: #Establish connection to Facebook via API f = Facebook(config['app_conf']['pyfacebook.apikey'], config['app_conf']['pyfacebook.secret']) #Get the current Facebook ID facebook_id = f.users.getLoggedInUser() But I keep getting the error: FacebookE...

Using PyFacebook with the latest Django release

The PyFacebook documentation states that: Note: Applications built with are not compatible with django 1.x. Download django-facebookconnect instead. Is this true? Has anyone managed to work this with Django 1.2.1? Thank you, Liz ...

Facebook Python-SDK VS. PyFacebook?

I'm starting to develop a facebook application using Django. I'm trying to choose the appropriate API wrapper for my application and I can't decide whether to use PyFacebook (very well documented but no official release) or the official Facebook Python SDK (which is surprisingly poorly documented). Are there any major differences betw...

Can I use pyfacebook django middleware without going to canvas?

Hi everyone. I am using facebookdjango, with @decorator_from_middleware(FacebookMiddleware) @facebook.require_login() decorators, which always redirect to the facebook canvas page, I wonder if I can be "canvasless"? Thanks. ...

Pyfacebook- not getting my Facebook details sucessfully?

Hi, I've followed the Pyfacebook tutorial here: However, it never seems to get my user id (and thus user details). The "request.facebook" object is sucessfully created but it's mostly full of null data- eg request.facebook.uid=None in my Views. I've hunted thro...

pyfacebook doesn't have set_status in that object anymore ?

i just try this import facebook fb = facebook.Facebook('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY') fb.auth.createToken() fb.login() fb.auth.getSession() fb.set_status('Checking out') and got this gunslinger@c0debreaker:~$ python Python 2.6.2 (release26-maint, Apr 19 2009, 01:56:41) [GCC 4.3.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copy...

Update status facebook using python

i'm trying the solve problem update status using facebook API with pyfacebook so i look at here and i think doesn't work anymore well, finally i solve the problem #!/usr/bin/python import facebook # Replace these with your app's credentials api_key ...

Problem displaying xfbml with pyfacebook

I'm using pyfacebook on my app but I'm having problems displaying xfbml For example I have to use iframes to display like buttons or like boxes. What's strange: 1) On the login page the appears correctly, I just have problems on other pages (once logged in) 2) The FB.init part I use is <script src="http://static.ak.connect.facebook.c...