
Pyjamas import statements

I'm starting to use Pyjamas and I'm running into some annoyances. I have to import a lot of stuff to make a script work well. For example, to make a button I need to first from pyjamas.ui.Button import Button and then I can use Button. Note that import pyjamas.ui.Button and then using Button.Button doesn't work (results in error...

Some basic questions about Django, Pyjamas and Clean URLs

I am farily new to the topic, but I am trying to combine both Django and Pyjamas. What would be the smart way to combine the two? I am not asking about communication, but rather about the logical part. Should I just put all the Pyjamas generated JS in the base of the domain, say and setup Django on a sub...

Pyjamas & JavaScript: Too much recursion

I'm doing a Pyjamas example and get this error: TodoApp InternalError: too much recursion Here is the significant portion of from the linked tutorial (please ignore indentation from the copy/paste): class TodoApp: def onModuleLoad(self): self.remote = DataService() panel = VerticalPanel() self.todoTextBox = T...

Pyjamas + Django: project without any external libraries

I would like to create small project using django and pyjamas. I tried googling for some solution on how to merge those two, but I found only projects using some external libraries using json services. Could anyone give me some advice on how to build such project so I wouldn't have to use them? I would like to use django auth system, but...

How do you automatically trigger a file input from another event handler?

In our project, we have a drop down box with a list of actions. We need to somehow implement functionality where if the user selects a certain item in the drop down box and presses the button next to it, a file upload box will be triggered. However, if anything else is selected in the drop down box, it should not trigger the file uploade...

About pyjamas maturity vs GWT maturity (with short dead lines) for a web application

I love both, python and Java and I have this first 'serious' web application project that I would like to carry out. I find it hard to choose between pyjamas + django and GWT + Hibernate. In fact, from my beginner point of view, it seems like the python world is more suitable for a quickly-developed and fun web application. And, on t...

Integrating Pyjamas with Pinax+Django?

I'm going to start looking into this tomorrow when I begin my project, but could anyone point me in the right direction? (Maybe some integration code and/or a sample Pyjamas interface which uses Pinax as the backend -- all with adequate explanation, if possible? :) Thanks! ...