
Python Pyme: Simple decryption without user interaction

I am using Pyme to interface with GPGME and have had no problems signing / encrypting. When I try to decrypt, however, it always brings up the prompt for the passphrase despite having set it via a c.set_passphrase_cb callback. Am I doing something wrong? ...

how do I sign data with pyme?

I just installed pyme on my ubuntu system. it was easy (thanks apt-get) and I can reproduce the example code (encrypting using a public key in my keyring). now I would like to sign some data and I didn't manage to find any example code nor much documentation. this is what I've been doing: >>> plain = pyme.core.Data('this is just some...

Signing messages with PyMe (GnuPG Python Wrapper)

Hi, I use PyMe to sign and verify messages. I have a problem setting a pass-phrase callback that will return a password for the private signature key whenever needed for signing. My code looks like this: def passphrase_callback(hint='', desc='', prev_bad=''): return 'password' class CryptoEngine: def init(self, user_id, passph...

Problem decrypting PGP in python with pyme without user interaction

I am trying to decrypt messages using pyme (a python wrapper from gpgme). It works fine if I type in the password when it prompts but I cannot get the passphrase callback to work. Here is the code import pyme.core def Callback( x, y, z ): print 'in passphrase callback' return 'passphrase' plain = pyme.core.Data() cipher =