
Save PyML.classifiers.multi.OneAgainstRest(SVM()) object?

I'm using PYML to construct a multiclass linear support vector machine (SVM). After training the SVM, I would like to be able to save the classifier, so that on subsequent runs I can use the classifier right away without retraining. Unfortunately, the .save() function is not implemented for that classifier, and attempting to pickle it (b...

Get recall (sensitivity) and precision (PPV) values of a multi-class problem in PyML

I am using PyML for SVM classification. However, I noticed that when I evaluate a multi-class classifier using LOO, the results object does not report the sensitivity and PPV values. Instead they are 0.0: from PyML import * from PyML.classifiers import multi mc = multi.OneAgainstRest(SVM()) data = VectorDataSet('', labelsColum...