
expanding the image veiwer example of pyqt or QT

hello im trying to expand the pyqt image veiwer example to have a feature of drawing over images i added a couple of tested functions that takes mouse events and draw over image in the image viewer example my i chosed my painter to paint over imageLabel's pixmap def mousMoveEvent(self,event): painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.imageLab...

Application is not working under raw system.

Hi, I've an python GUI application, I use pyQt4. I build binary with bbfreeze (before I was using py2exe but it didn't work with email module well). On system where I build this app, everything works properly, but when I install it on raw windows (without all those vc_redist and set of python libraries) binary does not work. Where sh...

Hiding console window of Python GUI app with py2exe

I have a Python program uses Qt (PyQt4 in fact) and when I launch it from its, I get a console window and the GUI window (on Windows, of course). Then I compile my program with py2exe and main.exe is successfully created. However, if I run main.exe (this is what users of program will do) console window of Python still appears an...

QWebView - dealing with javascript infinite loop import sys from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtWebKit import * app = QApplication(sys.argv) view = QWebView() view.settings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.JavascriptEnabled, True) view.load(QUrl('infinite_loop.html')) app.exec_() infinite_loop.html <script> while(true) { ...

How to broadcast a signal in Qt4

I'm wanting a paradigm in a Qt4 (PyQt4) program where a component is able to respond to a signal without knowing anything about where it is coming from. My intial reading suggests that I have to explicitly connect signals to slots. But what I want is for any of a number of components to be able to send a signal, and for it to be proce...

how to use QT graphic view for drawing

hello im trying to use the graphic veiw of QT to draw lines it's possible to draw a multiple objects in the scene but is it possible to do a (real time lines ) drawing inside the Qt scene , and how ? a sample code would be highly appreciated thanks in advance ...

Learning PyQt Quickly

Hi all. For a college project, I need to implement a GUI for a console app I wrote. For this I decided to use PyQt. I need only basic functionalities, such as designing a simple form with basic elements and displaying some texts on it. Can anyone point me to a nice tutorial for learning PyQt? I really don't want to get into the details...

Using PyQt and Qt4, is this the proper way to get a throbber in a QTabWidget tab?

I have some code creating a QTabWidget from Python using PyQt4. I want to get a 'throbber' animated gif in the tab. The /only way/ I have found how to do this is the following convoluted method. tabBar = self.tabReports.tabBar() lbl = QtGui.QLabel(self.tabReports) movie = QtGui.QMovie(os.path.join(self.basedir, "images\\throbber.gif")) ...

creating an event filter

i am trying to enable the delete key in my treeview. This is what i have so far: class delkeyFilter(QObject): delkeyPressed = pyqtSignal() def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress: if event.key() == Qt.Key_Delete: self.delkeyPressed.emit() print ...

Distributing PyQt4 application - licence/legal question

Disclaimer: I know there aren't any lawyers here, but I'd like to hear some opinions. I'm making a Python application using PyQt4 for the GUI. It will be open source, maybe GPL, but rather MIT/BSD licence since I don't see the value of copyleft for it. Since I cannot rely on users to have PyQt installed (in fact, I'm safe to assume that...

Python SESSION (like php) class

Hi All, is there any class to handle a SESSION (like php) in Python? not in django, but I want to use it with PyQt thank you ...

Handling missing packages or DLLs in a PyQt app

What's a good way to handle fatal errors - missing packages, .ui files not compiled, Qt DLLs or shared objects not found, etc. - in a PyQt app (or other Python app)? Displaying a cross-platform message box without Qt DLLs or shared objects seems like a lot of work. Dumping a message to the console seems not very helpful, since the end ...

pyqt, webkit and facebook authentication?

Are there any examples how to authenticate your desktop Facebook application using PyQT and embedded webkit? This is to provide better user experience than opening Facebook authentication page in a separate browser window. ...

Create a simple form application to edit a textfile

I think I need to restate my question ... I want to create a SIMPLE form application that edits certain areas of one very specific text file. Though I have some web development experience, I do not want to create a browser based application. Basically I want to give a Desktop application a try and I am looking for some help to get star...

how to change the color of a QGraphicsTextItem

hello i have a scene with a multiple (QGraphicsTextItem)s, and i need to have control over their colors , so how to change a color of a QGraphicsTextItem ? is it possible anyway? i've been trying for 3 days until now . please help thanks in advance ...

How show/draw a image in the desktop pyqt?

Thats the question, how show images in the desktop, no images in a windows, something like screenlets, but I don wan't to use plasma, i'm using linux. Yes, I want to do a simple widget engine, with pyqt and svg. ...

How to convince boss to substitute Java/Netbeans Platform for Python/PyQt?

Hi all, I'm working for small company, which operates in the automation industry. The boss hired me because he wants to sell/give some desktop applications to his current costumers. He imposes me to use the Netbeans Platform (a generic desktop application framework). A software engineer friend of his advised him to choose this framework....

Matplotlib animation either freezes after a few frames or just doesn't work

I've been trying for hours to get this simple script working, but nothing I do seems to help. It's a slight modification of the most basic animated plot sample code from the Matplotlib website, that should just show a few frames of noise (I have the same issue with the unmodified code from their website BTW). On my computer with the TkA...

PyQt + QtWebkit behind a proxy

I'm writing a PyQt (Python bindings for the all-powerful Qt library) application and a small part of my application needs a web browser (hint, OAuth). So I started using QtWebkit, which is fantastic by the way. The only hitch is I would like to allow users behind a proxy to use my application. I have read about the QNetworkProxy class i...

QRadioButton: Setting all radio buttons in a group to unchecked state

Hi all. I have three radio buttons, let's call them R1, R2 and R3. (R1 is in the checked set) My problem is that I have a method called check() that gets the current radio button using: def check(self): if R1.isChecked(): # if R2.isChecked(): # if R3.isChecked(): # Based on which radio button is activ...