
Solr search with escaping solr reserved keywords

How do i query fields that contain solr reserved keywords as ":" in solr? For instance, q = 'uri:' throws up an error for "" containing reserved word ":" ...

Solr weird search behaviour

Hi, I am having lots of solr document indexed which has field uri = nntp:// but when i search with query uri:nntp\:// It returns zero results. The search query works with similar other uri (nntp\://

PySolr rss dataimport

Hi, I am using PySolr to run my search. I want to index an rss feed and was wondering if this is possible using PySolr and if so how do you do it. I have found instructions on how to do this in Solr at but can't find anything on how to do the equivalent in PySolr...

django / haystack / solr simple config - partial field matching issue

I have a simple config of haystack/solr on my django app: from the of this app: class device(models.Model): ... hostname = models.CharField(max_length=45, help_text="The hostname for this device") ... from the of this app: class devIndex(indexes.SearchIndex): '''Haystack class to allow for i...