
How to control indentation after an open parenthesis in Emacs

When I use emacs python-mode, if the last character of a line is an open parenthesis it indents the next line just one step in from the indentation of the previous line. call_some_function( some_very_long_argument_that_I_want_to_put_on_its_own_line) I like that. Now in ecmascript-mode (which I am using for actionscript 3), it alwa...

Emacs: How to start Local python interpreter when editing a remote python file via tramp

On Emacs, when I start python with C-c ! while editing a remote python file (using tramp - plinkx: on windows), the python interpreter is started on the remote host. Is there any way I can edit the remote python file and start a local python interpreter? I am using python-mode (not the default python.el) ...

emacs windows run python program in current buffer and display the output on output window

I use the Python-mode (not the default one comes with emacs 23). I could not execute the python program currently loaded in emacs. I am getting "Symbol's function definition is void: smart-operator-mode-on" error. Any clue or any tips makes a python program and it can be run on emacs and show the result output window? Here the emacs...

Proper indendation with backslash line continuations in python-mode.el

I like to use python-mode.el and (gnu) emacs for editing my python files. If I use parentheses for multiline continuations, indentation works as I expect. For example, foo_long_long_long_long = ( bar_long_long_long_long[ (x_long_long_long_long == X) & (y_long_long_long_long == Y)]) is just the way I like it. On ...

Tabbing comments in emacs py-mode?

I'm using python-mode.el, and when I try to indent comments, it always wants to put them all the way to the left. I want them indented in line with the rest of the code. Is there an easy way to achieve this? ...

Turning on linum-mode when in python/c mode.

I want to turn on linum mode (M-x linum-mode) automatically with python and c mode. I add the following code in .emacs, but it doesn't seem to work. (defun my-c-mode-common-hook () (line-number-mode 1)) (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook) (defun my-python-mode-common-hook () (line-number-mode 1)) (add-hook 'pytho...