
Errors with python-openid and Google Apps Federated Login

UPDATE I managed to get it working although I'm not quite sure why ;) It seems like python-openid uses a POST-request to issue the openid mode=associate and for some reason Google doesn't like that. When I patched python-openid to use a GET-request instead everything worked fine. I'll continue my investigation and update this post when ...

Yahoo! OpenID doesn't include Attribute Exchange info (using python-openid)

I'm using python-openid to successfully connect my python based site with OpenID. It works great with Google and it works with Yahoo! but with Yahoo! the Attribute Exchange doesn't seem to work. I only ever get the email address. firstname, lastname and country is always blank. I know the Yahoo! account (by that email address) has a firs...

openid in pylons (not using authkit)

Hey all, So I'm trying to authenticate users on a Pylons web application using openid. I don't want to use authkit, seeing as it is no longer maintained. I'm currently trying to use python-openid (available from git at and having a hard time with it. The pylons framework isn't making it easy for ...

FailureResponse on otherwise successful OpenID login: Server denied check_authentication

I'm testing OpenID authentication using python-openid on webpy's development web server. Through Yahoo! and myOpenID, I keep getting a failure response with the message Server denied check_authentication. The strange part is, I also receive the correct openid.identity. The same type of authentication works fine with Google (@ https://...