
PYTHONPATH hell with overlapping package structures

I'm having problems with my PythonPath on windows XP, and I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Say that I have a project (created with Pydev) that has an src directory. Under src I have a single package, named common, and in it a single class module, named with a class name Service Say now that I have another project ...

Add to python path mac os x

I thought import sys sys.path.append("/home/me/mydir") is appending a dir to my pythonpath if I print sys.path my dir is in there. Then I open a new command and it is not there anymore. But somehow Python cant import modules I saved in that dir. What Am I doing wrong? I read .profile or .bash_profile will do the trick. Do I hav...

Permanently add a directory to PYTHONPATH

Whenever I use sys.path.append, the new directory will be added. However, once I close python, the list will revert to the previous (default?) values. How do I permanently add a directory to PYTHONPATH? Using Windows. ...

Pythonpath Store

Where is my pythonpath stored? When I write import sys sys.path Where does python get that data? ...

messed up pythonpath when using multiple interpreters

Hi there, I have a third party program that I use for remotely calling my own application and uses python 2.4. My Application is written with python 2.6. So this is the call hierarchy: 3rd party app -> calling my app by Python24 -> my app Now when calling my application via "C:\Python26\python.exe " contains a file and all...

Python Pythonpath Modules install

I am kind of annoyed by the installation of modules in python and had a lot of trouble with it, so it would be fantastic to find a good solution for it. Heres my issues: PYTHONPATH: How can I tell easy_install/Python where to install my packages? Eventhough I put: /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages in my .bash_profile With: PYTHO...

python pythonpath modules

Ok a short question: Is there any SIMPLE software with a GUI, that lets me manage my pythonpath, path python version in mac? So I could set my Python, pythonpath and python version i want to use. Thanks! @ katrielalex and S.Lott : I had a very nightmare with installing modules in python and as pointed out correctly in another questi...

Howto change Pythonpath in Python 3

I am trying to switch from using Python 2.6.5 to using Python 3.2a2. I am using OSX 10.6.4. However, when I open Idle in the Python 3.2a2 folder it cannot import any of the modules I installed to Python 2.6.5. Is there a way that I can share the same folders on Python 3.2a2 ? ...

How to add to the pythonpath in windows 7?

Hi There, I have a directory which hosts all my django app. *"C:\My_Projects".* I want to add this directory to my pythonpath so I can call the apps directly. I have *right clicked My Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Environmental Variables. Then I added C:\My_Projects\; to my Path variable* but it still doesn't read ...

How to properly determine current script directory in Python?

I would like to see what is best way to determine current script directory in python? I discovered that two to the many ways of calling python code, it is hard to find a good solution. Here are some problems: __file__ is not defined if the script is executed with exec, execfile __module__ is defined only in modules Use cases: ./...

Django: What is `sys.path` supposed to be?

When developing a Django application, what is sys.path supposed to contain? The directory which contains the project, or the directory of the project, or both? ...

Developing and using the same Python on the same computer

I'm developing a Python utility module to help with file downloads, archives, etc. I have a project set up in a virtual environment along with my unit tests. When I want to use this module on the same computer (essentially as "Production"), I move the files to the mymodule directory in the ~/dev/modules/mymodule I keep all 3rd-party mod...

Why can't nosetests find one the elements in sys.path?

I have a series of unit tests that I'm running with nose. For some of my tests, I'd like to remove a module's path from the sys.path so there is no conflict with what I am testing. sys.path.remove('/path/to/remove/from/sys/path') If I run the Python interpreter and call sys.path, the '/path/to/remove/from/sys/path' is there in the li...

GAE import error

Hello, I am trying to use this python module but GAE gives me ImportError: No module named HTML According to IDLE path browser the path is here: C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\ Can anyone help me to fix this problem? Thank you ...

html 1.13 package installation

I downloaded html 1.13 package from Python site and as per instructions I doubleclicked on install.bat and installed it. I also added the directory C:\Python26\ to PYTHONPATH. But when I try to import the module with >>> from html import HTML I still get ImportError: No module named html Can someone help me understand w...