
pywin32: how do I get a pyDEVMODE object?

How can I create a PyDEVMODE object without just having it as a return from a function call like win32api.EnumDisplaySettingsEx(name, 0)? ...

pywin32+VirtualBox: guest VM crashes when trying to disable second monitor

I wrote the following code to disable the a guest os's virtual monitor programatically: def disableSecondMonitor(): import win32api import win32con as C name = win32api.EnumDisplayDevices(None, 1).DeviceName devmode = win32api.EnumDisplaySettingsEx(name, 0) devmode.Clear() devmode.Fields = C.DM_PELSWIDTH | C.DM_...

Python, get windows special folders for currently logged-in user

How can I get Windows special folders like My Documents, Desktop, etc. from my Python script? Do I need win32 extensions? It must work on Windows 2000 to Windows 7. ...

Can't load pywin32 library win32gui

I'm trying to use the win32gui module included with pywin32 but I can't get it working. I have downloaded it, built it and everything seem to be located under site-packages, I've found win32gui.pyd at site-packages/win32/win32gui.pyd but when I try to import it I get: import pyHook, win32gui ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified ...

add rights to a folder using python

I want to give anyone full access to a specific folder (+sub-folders +files in it). I tried that code: f = "c:\test" #... which is the folder #vars sidWorld = win32security.CreateWellKnownSid(win32security.WinWorldSid, None) worldRights = win32file.FILE_ALL_ACCESS #get DACL fileSecDesc = win32security.GetNamedSecurityInfo( \ f, wi...