
PyWinAuto still useful?

I've been playing with PyWinAuto today and having fun automating all sorts GUI tests. I was wondering if it is still state of the art or if there might be something else (also free) which does windows rich client automation better. ...

pywinauto: taking more than one app windows

I have a GUI application which can create many similar windows on desktop. All windows have same title. I have to enumerate all dialogs with same title and make some tests against each of such dialogs. If I call: dialog = app['Window Name'] pywinauto returns a WindowSpecification object which is useful along with accessing controls b...

How to print the Control identifiers of a window to a document in Pywinauto.

Hi All, I am trying to automate installation of an application using Pywinauto.During the installation the last window shows some warning or error messages in few cases and later the system begins to restart.My objective is to capture the the Warning messages which is possible by app.top_window_()._ctrl_identifiers() np.Notepad.Edit.T...