
My QFileSystemModel doesn't work as expected in PyQt

EDIT2: model.hasChildren(parentIndex) returns True, but model.rowCount(parentIndex) returns 0. Is QFileSystemModel just fubar in PyQt? EDIT: With a bit of adaptation this all works exactly as it should if I use QDirModel. This is deprecated, but maybe QFileSystemModel hasn't been fully implemented in PyQt? I'm learning the Qt Model/V...

background color for certain items(rows) in QFileSystemModel QTreeView

How do i set a custom background color for certain rows in a QFileSystemModel applied on a QTreeView? ...

QT: QFileSystemModel _q_fileSystemChanged slot is executed on the UI thread which contradicts documentation

Hello, My UI is using QTreeView with QFileSystemModel to be able to select folders and files. The documentation for QFileSystemModel says that file structure update is done on a seperate thread which would mean the UI would not be blocked. However, this is not the case for me and I can't figure out the discreptency and how other peopl...