
How to disable optimization in the qooxdoo build process?

qooxdoo includes some optimizations in its build process which makes it hard to debug "build only" bug. How can I disable the the whole optimizations at once? ...

Challenges in remotely running big RIA application

I have a big rich-internet-application file (qooxdoo,js,html). The users use their browser to point to the web server and run it. The problem is that it takes a long time for the users to load the application every time they visit the site. Is there a way to somehow "bundle" and save the application locally and have the user refer to i...

Running a qooxdoo Source Version from a Web Server

I'm trying to run the source version of my qooxdoo application from a web server. The application works fine when loaded from the file system but fails to load, when started from a web server. ...

How to disable the browser context menu in qooxdoo?

Is it possible to disable the context menu in qooxdoo? ...

testing source application in qooxdoo

I began to use Qooxdoo the last month so i've got very little experience in its usage. I need to create a test application like the testrunner on the Qooxdoo website, but i need to do tests inside my application environment. I followed these steps: Created the application Compiled the source version with generate.py source Create the t...

Is qooxdoo a good choice for this use case?

I would like to take a simple web page, and allow non-technie administrators to modify content simply by logging in, browsing to the page that is to be changed, and clicking on text to change things, or drag simple lists to re-order them. My question is whether qooxdoo would be a good choice for this use case. I would want the text to ...

parameter passing to a standalone qooxdoo application

Hi, How can I pass parameters to a stand alone qooxdoo applicatoin? Thanks in advance :) update: I was thinking of passing URL parameters; something like GET/POST params when an html FORM is submitted. Initially, "arguments" in standalone application caught my attention. I think Tobi has correctly answered me (thanks a bunch); but fe...

Table decoration in Qooxdoo

Hi All, Is it possible to set the background color of one Row in a Table? I need to highlight a row when a condition applies. Something to the effect of < tr font="...">...< /tr> where I can specify the "font" attributes. (I need the whole row to be highlighted) Thanks in advance :) ...

where's the code for Calculator showcase?

Hi, Where can I see the code for the calculator? I mean the one with fancy background? By the way, it looks very nice!! In general, I could not find enough material for custom-made decoration, by searching the documents. Please let me know where I can learn deeper about rendering and widget decoration. Thanks in advance :) ...

is it possible to set up drag/drop tabview tabs in qooxdoo?

I would like to allow re-ordering of tabs in a tabview, preferrably using drag and drop of the tab buttons. The example drag/drop code for lists, modified for tabs simply doesn't work (the dragstart event is never fired). Is this even possible? ...

How to set Border/Background on CanvasLayout based Custom Widget in Qooxdoo?

Hi, I'm new to Qooxdoo (i'm using version 0.7.4, because I'm using Eclipse RAP) and I'm try to create a Custom Widget based on CanvasLayout class, that composites another Widgets. Here little peace of code: qx.Class.define( "my.CanvasWidget", { extend: qx.ui.layout.CanvasLayout, construct: function( id ) { this.base( argument...

[qooxdoo devel] when trying to use PartLoader getting error "arguments.callee.base.call is not a function"

hello im trying to develop an standalone application with qooxdoo. i want to load each part of GUI with PartLoader. i just want to load big group boxes when the user select the related menu item from the menu. but when i run the code (execute the part loading related function) i got the error "arguments.callee.base.call is not a function...

Developing with qooxdoo using git?

Hi, i'm developing a little project with qooxdoo and want to share the source with some friends. should i just check in the whole project folder? ...

Qooxdoo form elements and getSelection()

Here's my code: var sb = new qx.ui.form.SelectBox(); sb.add( new qx.ui.form.ListItem("English") ); sb.add( new qx.ui.form.ListItem("Nederlands") ); sb.add( new qx.ui.form.ListItem("Deutsch") ); sb.add( new qx.ui.form.ListItem("français") ); sb.add( new qx.ui.form.ListItem("Српски") ); How do I use setSelection() to select "Deutsch", ...

"qx.Class is undefined" when loading a qooxdoo application in source mode

When loading a qooxdoo application in source mode, I obtain the following chain of javascript errors: qx.Class is undefined [Break on this error] qx.Class.define("qx.lang.Object", Object.js (ligne 24) qx.Class is undefined [Break on this error] qx.Class.define("qx.lang.Type", Type.js (ligne 23) qx.lang is undefined [Break on this erro...

Trouble Getting Data from a Webservice using Qooxdoo

My capstone team has decided to use Qooxdoo as the front end for our project. We're developing apps for OpenFlow controllers using NOX, so we're using the NOX webservices framework. I'm having trouble getting data from the service; I know the service is running because if I go to the URL using Firefox the right data shows up. Here's the ...

qx.data.store.Jsonp: configureRequest not getting request as parameter

when creating an new qx.data.store.Jsonp object like this... var store = new qx.data.store.Jsonp(url, { configureRequest: function(req) { req.setParameter("key", "resources.appsrvs"); } },"callback"); ... the delegate function configureRequest does not get the request as parameter as described in qx.data.storeInterface.IStoreD...

qooxdoo json/request transport method

Hi all, I try to send a request to my server via GET, but qooxdoo sends request as OPTIONS. Is any way to change this behaviour? I try to use qx.data.store.Json (url) and qx.io.remote.Request (url, "GET", type) but result is same in both cases. My version of qooxdoo is 1.0.1, browsers are FF 3.5.6 and Chromium 5.0.361. ...

qx.io.remote.Request: post parameters in body and url

hi, when creating and sending an http POST request like this... var req = new qx.io.remote.Request("/test","POST"); req.setParameter("pi", "3.1415"); req.setParameter("color", "red"); req.setParameter("password", "mySecretPassword"); req.send(); ... paramters are send in the body and in the url...

How to 'shake' a window in qooxdoo?

Hi, I'm trying to shake a window, but got error mess in console. My code: var win = new qx.ui.window.Window ("Login"); win.setLayout (new qx.ui.layout.Grow); win.add (view); this.effect = new qx.fx.effect.combination.Shake ( win.getContainerElement ().getDomElement ()); return win; Where view is a GroupBox instance (f...