
RUBY_LIBRARY cmake variable when building Qpid

Im trying to build Qpid. When running CMake this is printed to the log: Could NOT find Ruby (missing: RUBY_LIBRARY) [ ... more stuff cut for brevity ] CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:96 (include): include could not find load file: C:/qpid/0.6/qpid/build/src/rubygen.cmake It seems to be failing because it couldnt find a fi...

QPID finer AMQP control with the high-level API?

At first I thought QPID documentation is great, but now I find it confusing. I'm using the C++ API of QPID-0.6 with the qpid::messaging namespace (I saw I have access to low-level AMQP with qpid::client, but it is not what I wish now). With AMQP, I would declare an exchange with a type, declare a queue and a binding before sending a mes...

QPID WCF Implementation/.net

Have you used Apache qpid with .net Project? Would like to know your experience about ease of use with .net project/WCF. Are you happy with it? Reason i am asking is because we are stuck at making decision between qpid and rabbitmq. I played with rabbitmq not qpid yet. Rabbitmq has it's share of problem with wcf implementation. Other ...