
How to combine query strings in PHP

Given a url, and a query string, how can I get the url resulting from the combination of the query string with the url? I'm looking for functionality similar to .htaccess's qsa. I realize this would be fairly trivial to implement completely by hand, however are there built-in functions that deal with query strings which could either sim...

How to Ignore query string in a URL?

Hello I have something like this: if(isset($_POST['btnProm'])){ $idads = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['idAds']); require_once("adPromFrm.php"); } When a button is pressed, a form will appear.... When i refresh the page, the form doesn't disappear, but when i click a link with a query string (thisPage.php?lang=fr...), the...

htaccess code to set QSA for all redirects automatically (globally)

Firstly, this is the current setup, so that you understand where I am at the moment... If I go this url: http://website.com/login/ The server redirects to this script: http://website.com/page.php?section=login I have the follow htaccess redirect set up to do this: RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/$ page.php?section=$1 [QSA] That my...