
How to remove QWidgets from QSplitter

In my app have a window splitted by a QSplitter, and I need to remove an widget. How can I do that? I can't find useful methods ...

cant exchange widget in QSplitter (Qt)

I have a QSplitter with two widgets. One of them is static, the other one is supposed to change on the press of a button. But the problem is the widget does not change? I have a pointer for the widget that is changing - this->content The widget to switch to is in the pointer named widget. Here's a code snippet where I switch the widge...

QSplitter becoming undistinguishable between QWidget and QTabWidget

I am puting a QWidget and a QTabWidget next to each other in one horisontal splitter. And the splitter loses it's shape, you can know that there is a splitter only by hovering mouse on it. How to make it visible? Thanks. ...

How to move QSplitter?

Say I have a window, where there are 2 horizontal sppliters, and a button. How to move a splitter up/down by clicking on the button? ...